Nothing hurts anymore: 5 exercises for those with a sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle has long been considered one of the enemies of good health. Long work in the office, constant stay at the computer and lack of any activity lead to the fact that by the end of the day we become sluggish. And the back and joints make themselves known with pain or other unpleasant sensations. Why they appear and how to get rid of discomfort with the help of exercises for home, tells the trainer of the World Class network Alyona Pruzhinina.

Why does everything hurt and how to avoid unpleasant sensations?

First of all, pain is associated with a lack of normal movement in the joints, including the joints of the spine. Being in static positions – for example, sitting – is a huge load on the lumbar region, and prolonged and even leads to degenerative changes in this area. As a consequence, not only the spine suffers from a sedentary lifestyle, because everything in our body is connected.

The most important advice in this situation is to sit less! There are dozens of lifehacks: what postures are better to take, what breaks to take and what exercises to do in a five-minute pause. But all of this will do very little to help you if you continue to systematically sit a lot. So if you really want to improve your health, definitely find a way to move more.

5 exercises for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle

Still, you can benefit your back and joints with a simple workout that you should do 1-2 times a day – before and after your workday. The movements in these exercises are designed to preserve the mechanical abilities of the spinal column, nourish the joints of the spine and improve mobility.

Other very different workouts can be found on our instagram, in the current Be Fit.

Stimulation of the cerebellum and vestibular apparatus

Východisková pozícia: standing, legs and torso straight, arms down.

Počet opakovaní: 20 for each movement.

With your eyes, find the point where your gaze will be directed at all times. Then move your head in three planes: forward-backward, left-right and left-right with a tilt.

Opening the thoracic region while lying down

Východisková pozícia: lying on your side, legs bent at the knees, both arms straightened in front of the chest.

Počet opakovaní: 10 for each side.

Take the arm that lies on top of the body by 180 degrees and together with this turn the body so that both shoulder blades are on the floor. Then return to the starting position. In this exercise, it is important to stretch through the fingers of the hand and constantly look at them. In this way, the head will follow the hand.

Unloading the lumbar spine

Východisková pozícia: lying on your back, hands pointing to the sides and resting firmly on the floor.

Počet opakovaní: 10 with each leg.

Bend one leg at the knee and lift it off the floor. As you inhale, slowly move it to the side without bending your lower back. Then return to the starting position.

Complicated unloading of the lumbar spine

Východisková pozícia: lying on your back, arms pointing to the sides and resting firmly on the floor.

Počet opakovaní: 20.

Bend both legs at the knees and lift them off the floor. Smoothly move them first to one side, then to the other. Keep your shoulder blades pressed to the floor, do not bend your lower back.

Hip rotation

Východisková pozícia: sitting, legs apart and bent at the knees, hands resting on the floor.

Počet opakovaní: 20.

Tilt both legs to the left side so that the knees touch the floor. At the same time turn the body to the left following the legs. Return to the starting position and repeat the same movements, but to the right side.

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