Orthopedic traumatologist named 3 diseases that imperceptibly impair quality of life

Neck and back pain, fatigue and heaviness in the legs always appear suddenly. We usually do not pay attention to them and do not even think about the fact that these symptoms may indicate pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Rašid Saidov

doctor – traumatologist-orthopedist of the First professional network of orthopedic salons ORTEKA in Moscow.

Orthopedic diseases are very insidious – they start with minor discomfort and end with chronic pain. I will tell you how to avoid all this and recognize the problem in time.

Painful sensations in the neck or back are familiar to many people. For this, first of all, we can thank the modern way of life. We get to work by public transportation or our own car, we spend at least eight hours sitting at the computer, and at home we rest on the couch, browsing social networks or watching TV.


Of course, this low physical activity has a negative impact on our health, particularly on our spine. Among the invisible diseases that can appear due to such a lifestyle is osteochondrosis. Recently, the term “dorsopathy” is used instead of this term.

The human spine is formed by spongy bones – vertebrae. They are connected to each other by intervertebral discs, which perform the function of cushioning the entire supporting structure.

How to avoid problems with the neck, back and shoulders because of the computer? Told in the link.

Gradually during life, the discs wear out, which in the future leads to constant pain in the back region. Such degenerative changes are promoted by incorrect posture, sedentary work.

In addition, when we slouch, the muscles of the back suffer. They are forced to constantly hold the body in an unnatural position, which often causes fatigue and pain.

Unhealthy support

Perhaps the most common invisible orthopedic condition is flat feet. That being said, many people have never had a foot scan or even know that they may have this pathology.

People often live with pain, heaviness and fatigue in their feet and do not think about what causes these unpleasant symptoms. Flat feet in general, unfortunately, are treated rather carelessly.

In addition to foot problems, this disease can contribute to the progression of varicose veins, increase the risk of knee arthrosis, cause back pain and negatively affect posture.

Another not uncommon foot condition is heel spurs. Because of this pathology, when moving, there is a feeling that we are stepping on something sharp.

This stabbing pain is explained by the formation of a bone spike that puts pressure on the soft tissues, which we feel. Such a spike is formed against the background of inflammation of the plantar fascia. This is a ligament that connects the heel bone with the toes.

It can be damaged due to a large load on the feet, caused by flat feet and wearing irrationally selected shoes (heels, flat soles), injuries and overweight.

Knee problems

An invisible disease can be called and arthrosis. This is a pathology in which there is degeneration of articular cartilage with subsequent changes in the bony articular surfaces.

The main reasons for the development of arthrosis – microtraumas received in the home or during sports, heavy physical exertion, overweight and poor nutrition, flat feet and other defects in the structure of the musculoskeletal system, endocrine disorders and associated chronic diseases (including arthritis – inflammation of the joints).

Osteoarthritis can safely be called an invisible disease because it is often very difficult to determine when exactly the pathology began to progress.

We all get household or sports microtraumas and do not even suspect that some bruises have caused irreversible damage to the health of the musculoskeletal system. It is just not always possible to immediately assess all the damage.

Usually osteoarthritis can be independently recognized by symptoms that are already very bothersome. Among them – pain in the knee when walking and at rest, unpleasant sensations on palpation, stiffness in movement.

Protective measures

  • In order to avoid back problems, it is necessary, as in school, to monitor posture. Incorrect body position creates unnecessary load, which harms the spine.
  • It is necessary to try to be physically active: walk at least an hour a day, do sports. Only training should always be moderate, too intense loads can harm the joints.
  • It is always worth wearing the right shoes, which should include the following elements: a heel height of two to four centimeters, a wide enough front section and a form-resistant butt. High-heeled shoes with flat soles or narrow toes should be avoided.
  • It is recommended to purchase orthopedic insoles that support the feet in an anatomically correct position and protect the feet, and therefore the knees from shock loads.
  • Products help to prevent the development of flat feet, heel spurs or contribute to their treatment, if they have already made themselves known.

In order to avoid osteoarthritis, it is necessary to regularly examine the musculoskeletal system. Early detection of such pathologies as congenital hip dislocation, scoliosis of the spine, flat feet, increases the chances of never facing osteoarthritis.

Reduce the risk of this disease rational physical activity, a balanced diet and control of body weight.

During mobile games, intensive training in the fitness room, it is worth wearing sports orthopedic bandages to protect the joints from injury. Professional activities associated with prolonged static or mechanical loads, too, can harm the musculoskeletal system.

In this situation, it is necessary to rationally distribute these loads, take breaks for rest during work and regularly visit an orthopedist to timely identify problems with the joints.

How to realize from shoes that you have problems with your feet, told at the link.

Because of the modern lifestyle and the prevalence of orthopedic diseases to undergo an annual examination of the musculoskeletal system is recommended to absolutely everyone. This approach to prevention will help avoid the development of many pathologies, including flat feet, heel spurs and osteoarthritis.

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