Motivačný poplatok: 5 nových športových filmov, na ktoré sa oplatí počkať
Motivation Charge: 5 new sports movies worth waiting for Dina Chikhireva February 24, 2021,
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“I’ve run halfway around the world with a pineapple on my head.” Marathon runner – about his strange hobby
When I was at the Israeli Dead Sea Marathon, I saw an interesting picture.
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What sneakers will be in fashion in 2021? Everything new is well forgotten old
What sneakers will be in fashion in 2021? Everything new is well forgotten old
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Oatmeal pancake – a healthy and hearty breakfast option for those who watch the figure
Oatmeal pancake – a healthy and hearty breakfast option for those who watch the
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Prečo fotografovať v telocvični? 5 inšpiratívnych dôvodov
Why a sports photo shoot is not only a pleasant entertainment? A sports psychologist
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Strength in motion: why you shouldn’t be shy about your shape?
Some people think that if a girl is engaged in sports, she must necessarily
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Snacking out of boredom: what’s the difference between real and false hunger?
Healthy eating is first and foremost about balance, moderation and variety. However, all of
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Kúpa lacnej letenky je skutočná. 7 tipov, ako ušetriť peniaze za let
How to buy a cheap airplane ticket? Answered by a traveler. We know, we
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Daily jogging: key to longevity or an injury-prone hobby?
Daily jogging: key to longevity or an injury-prone hobby? Maria Gudkova March 2, 2021,
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A kilogram in a few hours: 6 reasons why you can “get healthy” overnight
A kilogram in a few hours: 6 reasons why you can “get better” overnight
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