5 filmových postáv, ktoré milujú šport a inšpirujú vás k zmene životného štýlu
Any writer and director understands that a character in a movie must evolve. It
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Diétne limonády môžu byť pre vaše zdravie nebezpečnejšie ako bežné limonády?
Diet sodas may be more dangerous to your health than regular sodas? January 27,
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6 celovečerných filmov so slávnymi športovcami
Athletes often agree to play in movies. For them it is an interesting experience,
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12 fóbií, ktorým môžeme čeliť v ktorýkoľvek deň. Ako im čeliť
Our daily life, whether we like it or not, is associated with various stresses.
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5 skupín potravín, ktorých konzumácia poukazuje na nedostatok mikroživín v tele
5 skupín potravín, ktorých konzumácia poukazuje na nedostatok mikroživín v tele
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5 New Year’s comedies that will lift your spirits during the vacations
Scientists have found out that laughter helps to burn up to 120 calories per
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At what age do people feel more lonely? It’s not always the elderly
“Lonely old age”, – they say about people over 60 years old. But it
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Prečo je granátové jablko dobré pre svaly a koľko ho jesť? Toto si myslia vedci zo Švajčiarska
What are the benefits of pomegranate? Who should not eat pomegranate? How much should
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“The board cost 28,000 rubles.” How much does it cost to raise a snowboarding son?
Children love to go down the mountain at high speed, and it’s not just
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How do Russian athletes spend their winter vacations?
How do Russian athletes spend their winter vacations? Naida Saidova January 8, 2022, 21:15
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