How to count a person’s emotions and his attitude to you by facial expressions and gestures? Psychologist’s instruction
Wouldn’t you agree that it would be great if you met a new person
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Captain America workout: how many calories the superhero burns when he hits the punching bag
There are three things to watch forever: fire burning, water flowing, and Captain America
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Why sneakers “squeak” when walking. 6 ways to fix the situation
Sometimes it happens that you’re walking down the street and you start to hear
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Čo robiť s horkými uhorkami? Odborník na výživu nám poradí, ako situáciu napraviť
Nutriciologist, founder of a fruit, vegetable and nutrition delivery service Why are cucumbers bitter?
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“The brain was screaming that we were in danger.” Personal experience of practicing nailing
Public Relations Manager at MoyOffice software developer company Earlier this year, I resolved to
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Ako sa stať pánom svojich emócií a zvládať svoju náladu. Pokyny od Andreja Kurpatova
Emotions brighten our lives every day, but they can also make it unbearable. Why?
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Nutriciológ hovorí o 5 potravinách bohatých na vápnik
President of the Association of Nutritionists and Health Coaches (ANCH) Which foods have the
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Unusual novelties in the world of sneakers that will definitely surprise you
New sneaker models come out every day, but the new products we’re going to
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Čo občerstviť na cestách? 7 zdravých potravín, ktoré nájdete v každom supermarkete
PhD in Medical Sciences, doctor of integrative, preventive and conventional medicine, nutritionist What healthy
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Ikigai: what principles and techniques the Japanese use to live to be 100 years old
Ikigai is a Japanese philosophical concept based on the search for personal purpose, which
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