neurologist, neurophysiologist, scientific director of the Clinic of Restorative Neurology The brain is capable
Moles on the skin can be injured not only in everyday life, but also
Provisioner, Shop&Show presenter, food blogger A few years ago I faced a problem: I
cosmetologist, expert in the field of natural methods of rejuvenation “Action, brought to automaticity,
Which of the components of HWL do you pay more attention to? Aliya Nurgaleeva
neurologist, neurophysiologist, scientific director of the Clinic of Restorative Neurology There are many studies
Russian ballet dancer, premier of the Bolshoi Theater Ballet Tells about his diet and
medical editor, scientific expert of Biogena Russia, wellness expert Problems with libido can significantly
Mikhail Koklyaev is an eight-time Russian weightlifting champion in the weight category over 105
personal PR-manager, founder of the boutique PR-agency “KNOW” For three years now, I’ve been