Prehľad krokomerov: od rozpočtových hodiniek Xiaomi po luxusné hodinky Garmin
A healthy lifestyle is not just about doing sports and eating right. First of
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Denník tučného muža. Čo robiť, keď nemáte čas nielen variť, ale ani jesť?
We are again on the phone with a thin guy who has little time
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Ako zvládnuť svoj prvý IRONMAN? Tréner nám hovorí
Triathlon is an incredibly challenging sport that requires concentration on three disciplines at once.
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Sezóna bobúľ: čo variť z čerstvých bobúľ a ktoré si vybrať?
Summer is in full swing, which means that whole berry fields have already appeared
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Nadbytočné kilogramy nezmiznú - čo robiť?
Lose weight by summer – this goal for many people with the approaching warmth
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Užitočné nápoje na parné leto: pripravte si ich so sebou
More and more people are becoming conscious and prefer to carry their favorite beverage
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Detox. Povedali mi: "Pi šťavu a schudneš." Čo to je?
Sooner or later every girl (and not only girls) faces the question of emergency
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Intervalový pôst: ako funguje?
Those who have not had time to lose weight by summer, but still plan
SportFitly - šport, fitnes a zdravie
Denník tučného muža. Experimenty štíhlejších: objavy a neúspechy
Before we get to the topic of nutrition, to which I have devoted two
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Najťažšie kliky: robí ich len pár ľudí na svete
The most difficult push-ups: only a few people in the world do them Alexander
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