Trend zdravého životného štýlu. Ako si naplánovať aktívnu dovolenku?
The trend for healthy lifestyle. How to plan an active vacation? October 3, 2017,
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Honest review. The updated GoPro 6: What’s inside?
GoPro has long been entrenched in the action camera market and can rightfully be
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Depth Perception: the whole essence of snowboarding in one movie
Depth Perception: the whole essence of snowboarding in one movie October 10, 2017, 15:00
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Oleksandra Shevchenko: jump from gymnastics to parkour
Recently, Alexandra Shevchenko from St. Petersburg, master of sports in artistic gymnastics, became the
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Freestyle over Paris. Iya Traoré
Iya Traoré is a soccer freestyler. If Iya is not taking part in the
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Seeing Deeper: Travis Rice is turning the perception of snowboarding upside down
Like Jordan on the basketball court, Ronaldo in world soccer, Travis Rice has no
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Snowboarding in detail. Basics of action photography
Photography is an integral part of action sports culture. In our new section “In
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Kim pláva. Legendárne plávanie s bielymi žralokmi
On August 8, 2015, Kimberly Chambers became the first girl to swim 48 kilometers
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Surfovanie na veľkých vlnách: ako urobiť kvalitnú akčnú fotografiu?
Surfing big waves: how to shoot a quality action photo? Maya Jamaica November 1,
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Skateboarding: the story of one photo
Every photo is a work of art, every action photo is the art of
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