Relieve lower back fatigue in 10 minutes. 8 asanas for back relaxation

Anastasia Ozhgikhina

Dekan Fakulty športového priemyslu na Synergy University, medzinárodný inštruktor hatha jogy

“The causes of lower back pain can be several. As a rule, it is stiffness in the ligaments or muscles of the lower back or weak abs. Yes, yes, the condition of the lower back is directly related to the abdominal muscles, as they are antagonist muscles. Often poor posture and lack of physical activity lead to problems.”

So how do you combat lower back pain? The best thing you can do is get a mat and do a little complex for this area.

There are very effective exercises for getting rid of lower back fatigue. They not only affect the lower back directly, but also the surrounding structures. Since the spine can make four types of movements – flexion, extension, axial rotation and lateral flexion – it is important not only to perform stretching “forward”, but also “forward and with rotation”, which more effectively works the muscles and fascia.

The complex will take approximately 10 minutes. It is better to abstain from eating for 1.5-2 hours before the exercise. Hold each pose for 10 breathing cycles. If you feel that you want to stay longer, do it, the body itself will prompt you. Try to breathe evenly and deeply throughout the practice, do not hold your breath.

Balasana – child’s pose with knees wide apart

Kontraindikácie: acute conditions of abdominal organs.

Výhody cvičenia: reduces tension and pain in the back, neck and shoulders, increases mobility of shoulder and hip joints, relieves stress.


  • Sit on your knees, spread them apart, about the width of your mat, with your big toes left together.
  • Keeping your pelvis on your heels, lean forward and stretch your arms across the floor in front of you, place your forehead on the mat at the level of hair growth, take your shoulders away from your ears, keep your arms straight, elbows not touching the floor.
  • If your head does not reach the mat, you can put a rolled up towel under it.

Marjariasana – cow-cat

Kontraindikácie: injuries of wrists and spine.

Exercise benefits: back and abdominal muscles are strengthened, flexibility of the spine is increased, blood circulation of the spine is improved, pelvic floor muscles are trained.


  • Stand on all fours, hands under the shoulders, palms tightly pressed to the mat, fingers wide apart, the middle finger of the hand looking clearly forward, knees at the width of the pelvis.
  • Inhale, lowering the abdomen to the floor and gently arching the back, simultaneously raising the tailbone and chin to the ceiling (pull the nose up without tilting the head).
  • Exhale, gently rounding the spine and drawing the chin to the chest, push off the palms of your hands and pull the thoracic spine upwards, directing your gaze towards the navel.

Adhomukkha shvanasana – downward facing dog pose

Kontraindikácie: last trimester of pregnancy, hand and shoulder injuries, severe headache.

Výhody cvičenia: makes the spine more mobile between the shoulder blades, opens the shoulders, tones the whole body, helps to remove mental noise.


  • Stand on all fours, palms under the shoulders, the distance between the palms and between the feet is the same, the fingers of the hands are widely spaced, the middle finger is directed clearly forward.
  • Push the pelvis up, push off the floor strongly with the hands, move the chest to the feet, relax the neck, the head hangs freely between the hands, the kneecaps are tightened, the heels tend to the floor.
  • When mastering the pose it is better to keep the knees half-bent, emphasize on opening the shoulder department and working out the spine.
  • Try to breathe evenly and deeply.

Uttanasana – tilt

Kontraindikácie: spinal injuries.

Výhody cvičenia: relaxes the lower back, stretches the entire spinal column, tones the liver and spleen.


  • Stand up straight, move your feet away from each other for 5-7 cm, the outer edges of the feet put parallel to each other, the body weight is distributed evenly on both legs, legs straight.
  • With an inhalation, raise your arms up, palms forward, stretch your whole body, take several inhalations and exhalations.
  • As you exhale, lean forward from the waist, bend your knees so that your belly rests on your hips, join your hands in an elbow lock (with your hands grasping your elbows), your head hangs freely, your neck is not tense, your breathing is even and calm.
  • With each exhalation, the head will go lower, stretching the back.
  • As you inhale, lift your head, raise your torso with a straight back.

Pashchimottanasana is an intense stretch of the back

Kontraindikácie: spinal injuries.

Výhody cvičenia: stretches the spine, improves blood circulation and heart function, improves the digestive system and liver, helps to calm the mind.


  • In a sitting position, stretch your legs out in front of you so that they touch each other, use your hands to pull the gluteal muscles back to feel the sciatic tubercles.
  • As you inhale, extend your spine upward, bend your knees, as you exhale, lean forward, rest your belly on your thighs, grasp your feet with your hands.
  • If you can straighten your legs while keeping your back straight, then straighten your knees – it’s much more important to keep your back straight and your spine stretched here.

Marichyasana – sitting twist

Kontraindikácie: menstruation.

Výhody cvičenia: relieves back pain, stretches the whole body and rejuvenates it, increases energy levels, massages the abdominal organs.


  • In a sitting position, bend the right knee and place the right foot next to the thigh so that the heel touches the buttock.
  • As you inhale, stretch the spine, lift the chest, as you exhale, turn the body to the right, with the left hand grasp the bent knee, with the right hand placed on the fingers behind the back.
  • Breathe evenly and deeply, trying to pull the top of your head up with each breath.
  • Turn the body forward, release the arms and straighten the leg, repeat on the other side.

Apanasana – knees to chest

Kontraindikácie: tehotenstvo.

Výhody cvičenia: gently stretches the spine, getting rid of clamps in the back, relieves abdominal bloating.


  • Lie on your back, on exhalation press your knees to your stomach and put your arms around them.
  • Rock to the right and left with a small amplitude, gently massaging the lower back.

Supta matsyendrasana – lying twist

Kontraindikácie: pregnancy, gastrointestinal diseases in acute form.

Výhody cvičenia: develops mobility of the spine, opens the chest and improves posture, stimulates the digestive system, increases the mobility of the hip joints.


  • Lie on your back, on exhalation pull the right knee to the chest, wrap your arms around it, keep the left leg straight.
  • Place your right knee to your left, guiding it with your left hand to the floor, right arm extended to the right with palm down.
  • Turn your head to the right, making sure both shoulders remain on the floor.
  • Breathe evenly and calmly, then return the body to the center and repeat the twist on the other side.
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