Self-Motivator: 7 Lifehacks to keep you from skipping a workout

Almost everyone knows the feeling when you really don’t want to get out of bed, much less go for a run or to the gym. What can make you do it? For example, one of the items in our selection.

Motivation by buying

Been denying yourself something for a long time? Make it a point to exercise regularly. Exercise at least three times a week all month – get a reward, such as a trip to a pizza place, a full day of shopping, or a new pair of sneakers. That way, the sense of accomplishment is reinforced. And if you miss one, you’ll have to start the countdown all over again.

Group workouts

Sometimes you don’t want to go to the gym because of the same exercises you have to do on a regular basis. This can make working out a chore. To avoid this, try group exercise classes. Doing exercises together with like-minded people is more fun, plus they will help to diversify the training plan.

Plus, groups often have social media conversations where they share experiences, socialize, and motivate each other.

New sports uniforms

There’s nothing more enjoyable than going to the gym in stylish new leggings, t-shirt or Olympics. And even better – in soft comfortable sneakers, in which your feet will feel almost no fatigue.


If you start a fitness blog, you will solve several problems at once: you will find like-minded people who will support you and not let you skip workouts for a long time, you will exercise more, you will be constantly involved in sports. It can be not only Instagram, but also a Telegram channel, a Facebook page or a VKontakte group.

Habit tracker

To motivate yourself to exercise more, you need to watch the progress. And since it won’t be visible in your figure right away, mark in your calendar the days when you exercise, eat right or go for a jog. This way, you will see how you get involved in sports and healthy lifestyle, and you will definitely not want to stop.

There are also special apps that help you stay on track. In some of them, you can even attach photos: seeing positive changes will definitely give you more motivation.


Download a selection of songs or make your own. It can be energetic and rhythmic, as well as classical music. And while your head is resting from the hustle and bustle, your body is working and improving. This way the exercise will improve not only the body but also the mood.

Exercise as time alone with yourself

In the hustle and bustle of the workday, we often don’t have time to think or dream. Treat going to the gym not as extra work, but as time to spend with yourself. Think about the day ahead, make plans for the week. You won’t even notice how the training time will fly by, and your workouts will become easier and easier.

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