Berry, fruit, green pumpkin – call it what you want. Watermelon is a favorite summer treat for many. It consists of 90% natural water, contains simple sugars, and is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is often consumed during unloading days or sit on a watermelon diet. It is low-calorie – the energy value is about 30 kcal per 100 grams. However, there are also “contraindications”.
Watermelon diet: does it help to lose weight?
If you brought a couple of extra kilograms from vacation, then watermelon days can help you. Why days and not a diet? Berries and fruits can contain three types of sugar: fructose, glucose and sucrose. Watermelon, on the other hand, has about 1.5 grams of each. While the daily allowance of fructose for humans is 15 grams, which means that you should not eat more than 1 kilogram of watermelon per day. Excess fructose can lead to obesity of the liver.That is, you can “sit” on watermelons for a maximum of 1-2 days. And you can diversify the diet with black bread or breadcrumbs.
During such unloading days you can lose about 1.5-2 kg, but do not rush to run for watermelons. This is not the weight loss you are thinking of. The berry has a strong diuretic effect, so only excess fluid will leave the body, and fat deposits will remain.
Nutriciologist and nutritionist Anna Berseneva believes that sitting on watermelons for more than 3 days can be dangerous for health.
Anna: This is a big load for the pancreas, because watermelon has a high glycemic index. Excessive consumption of the berry will lead to excessive work of internal organs, which can cause negative consequences.
Fresh watermelon or watermelon juice?
The watermelon rind contains pectin and fiber. These elements remove toxins, cleanse the body and are necessary for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Watermelon is better to eat after the main meal, for example, for dessert, while eating more than 200-250 grams is not worth it.
If you make juice from the berry, some amount of useful elements in it will remain, but pectin and fiber in this case go to the trash can along with the crust. In addition, 2-3 slices of fresh watermelon will be enough to eat, and one glass of juice will take much more berries.
The nutritionist advises eating berries and fruits, including watermelon, whole. The body digests the pulp more easily than freshly squeezed juices. The latter sharply raise blood sugar levels and require excessive work of the endocrine system.
Choose a watermelon by the tail
The most common varieties ripen for 60 days. Therefore, you should buy watermelon only starting in August – earlier berries were most likely grown artificially with the help of growth enhancers. So how to choose the perfect watermelon?
Field Spot. A light-colored, round indentation on one side of the watermelon indicates that the berry has been in contact with the ground. Pay attention to a watermelon that has a brighter but smaller spot. A large yellow mark indicates that the berry has been on the ground too long and is likely to taste sour and have a watery and fresh consistency.
Veľkosť. It is better to choose a watermelon of medium or large size weighing up to 10-12 kilograms.
Tail. Dry tail – an indicator of the maturity of the watermelon. If you buy a berry in early August, you can safely focus on the stem. However, at the end of the watermelon season, you should not rely on the tail – for 1-2 months it easily dries up in the seller’s warehouse.
Rind and pattern. Watermelon should be smooth and without damage, covered with a hard shiny crust. If you manage to pierce it with your fingernail, it means that the fruit is not ripe. Choose fruits with bright contrasting stripes.
Sound. Before buying, click a couple of times on the surface of the berry. A ringing sound indicates the sweetness of the watermelon, and a muffled sound indicates immaturity. When you hit the palm of your hand, you should feel a vibration – this is an indicator of good quality fruit.
Never ask the seller to cut the berry to check ripeness. So you will open the way to harmful organisms that were on the watermelon rind. By the way, on the highway watermelons, as well as other berries and fruits, it is better not to buy: they easily absorb heavy metals from car exhausts.
How to check the quality of watermelon at home?
Cut off a piece of pulp and put it in a glass of clean water. After 20-30 minutes, look at the color of the liquid. If the water in the glass became pink, it means that the watermelon was added growth stimulants and other artificial components. If the watermelon is clean – the water will only slightly cloudy.
Is watermelon useful for the body?
Watermelon contains B vitamins, vitamin A, C, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and other useful components. It is rich in antioxidants that keep the skin young and healthy. Berry removes toxins and toxins from the body, supports immunity and better than a cold drink helps to cope with thirst in hot weather. Folic acid improves heart function, and carotene favorably affects stress resistance.
According to Anna Berseneva, moderate consumption of watermelon has a favorable effect on the kidneys and the body as a whole.
Anna: Watermelon consists of a large amount of natural water, fills the body with “life-giving moisture” and prevents dehydration, which is especially important in summer.