What are barbell barbell fingerboards and what are they used for? A detailed guide for beginners

For many people, a barbell is just an iron rod on which you can hang pancakes to perform exercises. But even such a simple device in fact conceals a lot of nuances.

Vultures come in different lengths, diameters, and this is only a small part of their classification. The main question is: why do we need to know this? The point is that you may need different grips for different exercises, so every athlete needs to understand them.

Andrey Donskikh

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Now in the fitness industry there is a huge variety of equipment, and fingerboards are no exception. They come in straight, curved, thick, T-shaped. And all serve different purposes, for pumping their muscle groups.

About whether it makes sense to do the exercise until muscle failure, read on the link.

Olympic bar

This is a separate type of equipment for international competitions, which has been used at the Olympic Games since 1896. As for the characteristics, it weighs 20 kg, reaches a length of 220 cm and can withstand a load of up to 320 kg. The vast majority of professional weightlifters train and prepare for competitions with this bar.

Classic straight bar

The most common type that can be found in every gym. There is a wide variation for them in terms of weight and length. This projectile is extremely popular among both teenagers and adult athletes.

Such a bar can be from 5 to 20 kg in weight and from 120 to 200 cm in length. Usually these shells can withstand a load of 200 to 250 kg. They are used for a variety of exercises: for squats with a barbell and for many pulls.

Powerlifting bar

This sports equipment is designed specifically for working with mind-boggling weights. It is used by athletes for whom the classic bar is no longer suitable, as it simply does not cope with the required load.

In terms of characteristics, it is similar to the Olympic bar: 220 cm in length and 20 kg of its own weight. However, there are a few nuances that need to be taken into account: the powerlifting bar is more rigid, which means that it is less springy than the others. If we talk about permissible weights, everything is individual, but these fingerboards can withstand a load of up to 600 kg.

Curved fingerboard

Even in the world of curved fingerboards, there is a classification: there are W-shaped fingerboards and EZ fingerboards. The first is more curved, it is excellent for training arms and shoulders, has a weight of about 10 kg, EZ-grip, in turn, created for pumping biceps, forearms, as well as for the French press, in length it does not exceed 1.2 m, and the weight varies from 5 to 12 kg.

Both types of bar are suitable for light training, as they reduce the load on the wrist joints due to their shape.

Parallel grip bar

This barbell looks like a lattice with handles on both sides. With its help you can use a parallel grip, thus competently distributing the load on your arms, i.e. biceps, triceps and forearms. It usually weighs 5-7 kg, and in length reaches about 90 cm. But this is a certain gold standard, in practice its weight and length can be a little more.

T-shaped fingerboard

T-grips come in many different forms, it can even be a separate exercise machine. But if we are talking specifically about the bar, its distinctive feature is a T-shaped handle on one side. The bar can be monolithic, but there are also special stands and T-handles for a regular bar. Its standard length is about 2 meters, and the target muscle group is the back.

Read about how to do the narrow grip bench press correctly at this link.
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