Zistíme to spolu so somnológom.
After a long and hard day, many people dream of falling asleep and sleeping until victory. Maybe half a day, maybe a whole day, maybe even more. But is this really possible?
Sleep is as much an individual characteristic of a person as height or shoe size.
Bloger PollmixaN decided to check whether it is realistic to sleep for more than a day, and set up an experiment. In his video he tried to sleep longer than 24 hours.
How did the experiment go?
To get a good night’s sleep, you need to be tired. Guided by this idea, the guy did not sleep for 24 hours before the experiment. This preparation was not easy, which he noted in the video. However, he came to the upcoming sleep in full force.
The hero of the video fell asleep at midnight. However, anxiety did not allow him to sleep for long, and after an hour and a half he woke up for the first time. The next 14 hours passed quietly, with rare and brief awakenings. But when the first half of the journey was over, the hard part began. After 14 hours, the young man notes that it has become almost impossible to fall asleep: he wants to eat and drink, his back hurts from being in monotonous positions for so long and because of the uncomfortable furniture.
In his subsequent awakenings, the blogger notes that his face gradually swells and it becomes more and more difficult to fall asleep. Twenty-two hours after starting the experiment, he resorted to the help of sleeping pills. This helped to overcome the 24 hours of sleep mark.
In addition, more sleep is required by the body under stress. For example, if you have a cold. To fight infection, you need to produce antibodies, and it happens, as we have found out, just in sleep. The same applies to pregnant women, whose resources during this period are aimed at maintaining two lives at once.
How will exceeding the norm of sleep affect the body?
Daria: Sleep can not significantly harm the body. However, getting out of the habitual mode can disrupt the internal biological clock, which will subsequently lead to problems with sleep and recovery of the body accordingly.