We understand together with a nutritiologist.
Watermelon is a delicious and large berry. It is rich in vitamins and has useful properties. But does this mean that you should eat it in large quantities?
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Before you get carried away with eating watermelons, it is necessary to study its effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
How useful is watermelon?
Watermelon is a valuable source of vitamins, micro- and macronutrients. It contains vitamin A, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9 and PP), C, E, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium. Such a composition has a positive effect on the body. How exactly? Answer.
It saturates and cleanses the body
The body needs water for the full functioning of all organs. Sufficient fluid intake contributes to the good work of the digestive, circulatory and nervous systems.
In addition to water directly, it is useful to eat foods with a high content of it. Watermelon will be an excellent option, as its pulp consists of 90% water. It is no secret that the fruit helps to cope with thirst.
Lýdia: Watermelon has a high glycemic index – 80 units, contains a lot of fructose, which is almost not eliminated from the body, and leads to fatty hepatosis of the liver. To avoid glycemic load on the body, I recommend combining a slice of watermelon with plant food rich in fiber, for example, in a salad with tomatoes or arugula.
The large amount of water in watermelon allows you to use it as a diuretic and choleretic. Watermelon juice can cleanse the liver and kidneys of toxins and toxins, reduce the risk of gout (joint disease), improve complexion and gastrointestinal tract.
However, you should not eat exclusively watermelon. According to the nutriciologist, you can do without such diets if:
- your diet is balanced in the amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins;
- you do not consume products to which you have allergic reactions;
- your calorie intake matches your lifestyle;
- you do not have a genetic trait related to metabolism.
Lýdia: You can have small detox programs to keep your detoxification system going. It has to do with the level of toxins that enter the body with air, food, and cosmetics. But watermelon diet as such can hardly be called effective.
Taking care of heart health
The development of heart disease caused by cholesterol deposits can be prevented by including watermelon in the diet. Scientists from the Universities of Kentucky and Purdue in the USA have proved that watermelon juice, which contains citrulline (an amino acid), helps to reduce bad cholesterol.
By the way, if you’re frowning right now, eat a slice of watermelon. Another beneficial property of citrulline is its ability to improve mood.
The high level of lycopene (the fat-soluble pigment responsible for the red color) in watermelon is effective in protecting cells from damage and helps reduce the risk of heart disease.
And the large amount of magnesium in the berry (in 100 g – about 60% of the daily norm) provides absorption of other useful substances (calcium, sodium, potassium). Which is useful for internal organs, in particular the heart.
Has anti-inflammatory properties
Thanks to lycopene, watermelon has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions. The latter slow down the aging process.
Lycopene reduces thrombosis, promotes vascular health, reduces the risk of osteoporosis (skeletal disease). The more lycopene in serum and fatty tissue, the less chance of developing atherosclerosis (damage to large blood vessels) and cancer.
In addition, watermelon contains choline (a vitamin-like water-soluble substance), which helps reduce chronic inflammation.
In rationed portions, watermelon is not harmful to health. According to recent data, the daily norm for adults is 500 g, for children – from 80 and up to 150 g, depending on age. However, the nutritionist has a different opinion.
Lýdia: This amount of watermelon can afford only athletes after an intense workout. I advise eating it in the first half of the day and no more than 250 g.
It is better not to mix the berry with other foods containing carbohydrates, otherwise problems may arise.
For example, daily consumption of more than 30 mg of lycopene, which is found not only in watermelon, but also in melon, tomatoes, carrots, apricots, red peppers, can cause nausea, diarrhea, stomach upset.
A person who has an excess of pathogenic flora in the intestines, eating watermelon immediately after another meal, can get an attack of flatulence, bloating and abdominal pain.
Pregnant women should remember that the abuse of watermelon pulp is dangerous flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines). And gas formation in late terms can cause discomfort and pain. In addition, an overfilled bladder after a portion of watermelon – also not the most pleasant feeling.
Watermelon is also not recommended for children under the age of two, as it can provoke food allergies.
What happens if you eat watermelon every day?
Having studied all the advantages and disadvantages of eating watermelon, we can conclude: it will not be harmful for healthy people to eat a moderate amount of berries every day. On the contrary, the body will get vitamins, and you will feel good and look better.