What to do if you are bitten by a snake? A toxicologist told how to protect yourself from vipers

What to do if you are bitten by a snake? A toxicologist told how to protect yourself from vipers

What should you do if you are bitten by a snake?

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And the first aid instructor explained what not to do under any circumstances.

Michail Kutušov

Toxicologist, M.D., Ph.D. Israel

In summer, especially in hot weather, the activity of snakes increases. Be careful when you go out of town, because there you actually get into a hostile environment: all kinds of poisonous plants, insects, including snakes. What measures can be taken and what to do in case of a viper bite?

Snake venom is divided into two types

  • Nerve-paralytic, causing convulsions, paralysis of nerves and muscles.
  • Hemolytic, characterized by pain, swelling and multiple hemorrhages at the site of the bite.

What to do when bitten

The first thing that the bitten person experiences is sharp sharp pain. Two teeth wounds appear. The place of the bite should be immobilized, apply cold and be sure to call an ambulance. The closer to the nerve endings of the bite, the worse the consequences can be.

The most dangerous places of bites – fingertips, face and head.

Also when a snake bite occurs swelling or bruising, resulting in red streaks along the course of the lymph vessels. Then comes general intoxication: dry mouth, thirst, drowsiness, vomiting and liquid stools.

The wound can be washed under running water. It is necessary to protect the place of a bite from infections – to apply a sterile bandage. Bites of vipers are dangerous, but not fatal. And only people with strong allergic reaction to poison can die.

What not to do

Ivan Aksyonov

Emergency First Response trainer instructor-trainer.

Any mishap is easier to prevent than to correct the consequences, so first learn safety precautions when encountering snakes.

  • Do not approach a snake you see, even if you want to photograph it;
  • when moving away from the snake, do it slowly, without sudden movements, so as not to provoke aggression;
  • try to avoid areas with tall grass in snake habitats;
  • avoid favorite habitats of reptiles, sunny places in damp forests or swampy areas.

If close encounter could not be avoided, then we remember the rules of first aid for bites of venomous creatures:

  1. Memorize/photograph the “creeper”, this will allow doctors to administer an antidote serum exactly to the venom of the snake that bit.
  2. Apply a tight bandage and apply cold over the bandage to the wound area: this will slow the absorption and spread of venom.
  3. Immobilize the limb with a splint or bandage.
  4. Drink plenty of water to reduce the concentration of poison in the blood.
  5. Ideally, keep the victim at rest.
  6. Go to a medical organization or call an ambulance.

What we should never do

  • Do not use the much advertised antihistamines for bites, this is not first aid, and they can provoke complications;
  • do not suck venom from the wound to avoid allergies, and the structure of snake teeth is such that the wound channel is curved and the venom is physically almost impossible to extract out;
  • do not apply a tourniquet on the limb, so increases the single concentration of venom, which will enter the body after removal of the product;
  • wounds do not dissect, do not cauterize, this will lead to possible infection of the wound and will not remove the poison;
  • alcohol in poisoning is inadmissible.

Remember: no one likes to be touched by hands, including snakes.

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