zakladateľ Medzinárodného inštitútu integratívnej nutricionistiky
Who should not eat spicy food?
Spicy spices and dishes are tasty and healthy if you are healthy and know your limits. Spicy revitalizes the taste buds, stimulates the appetite and creates a feeling of warmth. We tell you about the benefits of spicy food and who should limit its consumption.
What is useful spicy food
Spicy and savory dishes can be found in almost every cuisine in the world. Spices belong to the category of warming products: they perfectly awaken the appetite, warm the body from the inside, fill dishes with rich flavor. Adding spices to dishes makes them healthy for a number of reasons:
- Helps you lose weight;
- improves blood circulation;
- improves digestion;
- helps fight colds and reduces fever;
- helps you sleep;
- helps fight stress.
Around spicy food there are many myths. Which of them should not be believed, told in the material below.
Who should not eat spicy food
Despite the obvious health benefits of spices and spicy foods, they should be used with caution. The consumption of spicy spices should be controlled by those who have gastrointestinal diseases or increased sensitivity to the burning flavor.
Hot spices are a great option for bitterness, with which it is desirable to end each meal. But eating excessively spicy foods on a daily basis can not only revitalize your taste buds, it can also impair their function. Damaged receptors will love the sharp taste so much that they will get used to it, and all other food (fresh, less spicy, salty, sweet) will seem tasteless.
Unrestricted eating of red (chili) or black pepper causes constant stimulation of gastric secretion and increased acidity levels, which can lead to erosions in the stomach.
People with ulcers, gastritis and duodenitis spicy from the menu should be excluded. Especially if there comes a stage of exacerbation, when it is necessary to observe a sparing diet.
By itself, spicy food does not cause inflammation of the stomach, but regular irritation of its walls with spicy products can lead to a decrease in the protective barrier of the mucosa of the organ. Damaged mucosa becomes a target for infections and provokes the development of gastritis.
Spicy and spicy food stimulates the production of gastric juice and, sometimes, causes heartburn – throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus, especially after large meals.
Spicy foods and spices are healthy, but they should not be abused. Painful and unpleasant sensations (heaviness, nausea, heartburn) after a spicy meal is a signal from the body that these products should be careful. A reasonable amount of spices will not harm a healthy body and gastrointestinal mucosa.
About who should not drink milk, told in the article.