Who is a hysteroid and why is it important for everyone to like him? 8 markers of personality type

Maria Labazanova

clinical psychologist, expert of the online school of psychological professions “Psychodemia”

The professional vocabulary of psychologists often becomes part of our everyday speech, but the true essence of the terms often remains unclear. Most people, using a few concepts, do not even guess what they are talking about. Sometimes the meaning is distorted. The word starts to be misused as a medical diagnosis or even a swear word. That’s exactly what happened to the hysteroid. I suggest we look into it in detail.

Despite the fact that modern science is moving away from personality typologies, the terms “hysteroid” and “hysterical personality” are still in use and are found not only in professional but also in popular literature. Moreover, they are often met with negative connotations.

How does modern psychology look at “hysteroids” and what to do if you find yourself in the description of this type of personality?

Types and typologies

Throughout the history of the study of the psyche, researchers have accumulated knowledge about personality, describing their observations of patients. Typologies are the result of systematizing these observations.

From the point of view of modern psychology, many theories developed earlier, today look very naive.

For example, the well-known Hippocratic doctrine of temperaments. Depending on the prevailing behavior, he distinguished four types of personalities: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. According to the theory of Hippocrates, temperament is determined by the ratio of four fluids in the body: bile, blood, mucus and black bile. Of course, now this theory does not withstand criticism, but this allocation of types and the terms themselves took root.

Allocation of categories is a natural step in the process of cognition of the surrounding world. However, the human psyche is so complex that it is simply impossible to develop a single correct typology. Despite the huge number of attempts made by scientists and doctors, it has never been created.

Moreover, modern psychology and psychiatry reject strict typologies because they oversimplify, sometimes ignore context, and do not take into account the diversity of personality phenomena. Strict adherence to them can be harmful and lead to the stigmatization of people with certain behavioral traits. It’s about the tendency to label.

Stránka terms “hysteroid,” “schizoid,” “epileptoid,” etc. may still be used in popular psychology articles, in psychiatric textbooks, and in some therapeutic approaches, but they do not reflect any scientifically valid concept. Even commonly accepted diagnoses – like narcissistic, schizoid, or emotionally unstable personality disorder – are based on unsystematized evidence from practice.

Rather, psychologists now talk about a set of personality traits that anyone has in varying degrees of severity. Each of us has a hysteroid part that craves attention; a schizoid part that seeks solitude; a narcissistic part that demands recognition, and so on. This understanding of personality greatly facilitates diagnosis, because it is extremely rare for people to belong to “pure” types (by any classification).

Each personality is a unique fusion of individual characteristics, motivation, values, and context. All of this is determined by a unique combination of biological, social, and psychological factors. It is this deep understanding beyond “types” that allows for more accurate identification of the problems people face and the development of individualized strategies for help.

Nevertheless, personality traits are expressed differently in people. Some have a very small “hysteroid part,” while others have a larger part. When one trait is much more pronounced than the others, it is called an “accentuation”.

If one or more traits are so pronounced that it leads to significant problems in one or more areas of life, then they talk about a personality disorder – a pathological condition.

Thus, everyone has hysteroid traits, but the degree of their expression varies.

Where did the term come from?

The word “hysteria” comes from the Greek ὑστέρα, which means “uterus”. What does this organ have to do with the uterus? The story goes back to ancient Egypt, where it was believed that excessive emotionality, which was more common in women, was related to the uterus.

Later, the “father of medicine” Hippocrates described the term in his writings and consolidated the notion that it was all about “uterine rabies”, which supposedly roamed the body and agitated it. Marriage and having children were attributed here as the cure.

Of course, such an understanding is quite chauvinistic. A sexist connotation has taken hold of the term. Remember how often you can hear the pejorative “hysterical” in response to any expression of emotion that is inconvenient to the interlocutor?

In the modern tradition, the terms “hysteria”, “hysterical personality”, “hysteroidism” are practically not used. What used to be called hysterical personality disorder is now called demonstrative or histrionic disorder (from Latin histriō – “actor”). Histriones were actors in ancient Rome, and later, itinerant entertainers like minstrels in England or skomorokhs in Russia.

Character traits and behavior markers

Below we will look at a generalized set of traits that are associated with “hysteroid personalities” in the history of psychology, and we will also address the existing diagnosis of “histrionic (hysterical) personality disorder,” the most prominent form of hysteroidism.

The main word that can be used to describe the traits of this type is excess, the desire to be more. People with a pronounced hysteroid radical are quite theatrical and dramatic. They like to be in the center of attention and very emotionally react to surrounding events.

Renowned psychoanalyst Nancy McWilliams describes them as “cordial, energetic, and humane people with high levels of anxiety and tension, prone to getting into situations involving personal drama and risk” (McWilliams, 1998).

Histrionic (hysteroid) personality is attributed to a number of characteristics.

  1. The desire to be the center of attention. The hysteroid always wants to draw the eyes of others to himself at any cost. It is important for him to bathe in attention. To be on the second role – it is not for him!
  2. Theatricality and expressiveness. Hysteroids tend to express themselves vividly. This is seen in active gesticulation, theatrical intonations, bright clothes, plenty of accessories. All these are ways to create a spectacular image and attract attention.
  3. Dramatization. Hysteroids tend to exaggerate the details of the situation so much that sometimes it is difficult to say – do they really feel so keenly or just want to attract attention?
  4. Frequent mood swings, emotional lability. At the same time, the emotional background of hysteroids changes quite quickly. They withdraw and fickle, because of which their reactions may seem superficial and artificial to others.
  5. Seeking External Approval. Hysteroid often depends on the opinion and evaluation of other people, so in every possible way seeks to receive praise. Hence the desire to constantly be in the center of attention and provocative appearance. All this gives the opportunity to get confirmation of their importance.
  6. Increased suggestibility. Dependence on approval and bright emotionality lead to the fact that hysteroid personalities are most often easily influenced by other people or surrounding circumstances.
  7. Manifested sexuality and seductiveness. In addition to the fact that histrionic personalities in principle pay increased attention to their appearance, they also tend to bet on seduction. Such people can look inappropriately sexy and deliberately seductive.
  8. Overestimating the degree of intimacy. Sometimes hysteroid personalities tend to perceive established relationships as closer and more intimate than they really are. This is exactly the situation when you seem to be just a nice conversation, but in the view of a person became not just friends, but soul mates.

When analyzing your personality, remember that each person is unique and the above features can manifest themselves in different ways.

How is the hysteroid formed?

Any character traits, including hysteroidism, are formed due to a complex interaction of biological, social and psychological factors. Some role is played by heredity and type of nervous system (in particular sensitivity to external stimuli, nervousness, tension, anxiety), some – relationships with significant adults and peers, upbringing, cultural context, belief system and ideas about the world.

According to Nancy McWilliams, at the core of hysteroid traits is an overabundance of unconscious anxiety, guilt, and shame. She notes that experiences endured for others can be traumatic for hysteroid personalities (McWilliams, 1998).

Hysteroid traits can form in a child who needs to attract adult attention. An example of such circumstances is the arrival of younger children in the family. Beginning to receive less care, the older one resorts to demonstrative behavior.

Histrionic personality type in particularly vivid forms can be a consequence of emotional, physical or sexualized violence in childhood. In this case, hysteroidism develops as a protective reaction of the psyche in response to trauma. The person becomes prone to dramatization and expressiveness in order to attract the attention of others, get confirmation of their importance and earn love.

Minuses of the hysteroid personality

People with a pronounced hysteroid radical can often experience problems with relationships and self-esteem. Craving approval but not getting it, facing the neglect of others due to theatrical dramatization and excessive emotionality. All of this can be excruciating.

Most often, people with a hysteroid personality type can turn to a psychologist with the following problems.

1- Emotional instability. Very excitable psyche and a tendency to dramatize life events lead to the fact that the hysteroid is particularly difficult to cope with their emotions. It is crucial for such a person to develop skills of regulation and to remain resilient.

2. Self-esteem problems. Because of their dependence on receiving approval in the outside world – attention, praise – people with the hysteroid personality type can literally lose ground under their feet when faced with criticism. Their self-esteem is very unstable.

3. Burnout, adjustment difficulties, stress. Changes, difficulties at work, conflicts with loved ones cause tension in any person, but hysteroids react here especially violently, brightly and dramatically. As a consequence, the nervous system is quickly exhausted – and here a person is on the threshold of depression.

4. A feeling of unrealization. Quite often people with histrionic structure of character choose, as Nancy McWilliams wrote, “eye-catching professions”. They aspire to become actors, dancers, politicians, public figures, etc. Needless to say, how difficult it is to withstand the competition and challenges that such professions are bound to face?

5. Problems in relationships, conflicts with a partner. Their inherent theatricality can be difficult to understand and endure. Communicating with hysteroids, who are prone to drama, is a tedious occupation. Hence the mutual recriminations and devaluation of each other’s feelings. If these problems occur, it is worth considering family psychotherapy (in addition to individual work with a specialist).

Pros of the hysteroid personality

For all the negative aspects of this radical, there are also undeniable advantages. For example, hysteroids can easily speak in public. They are able to become successful speakers, teachers, actors, performers or bloggers. The ability to attract attention, dare to show up and create an emotional connection with the public is in their blood.

Empathy and intuition are also often developed here. It’s all about their own emotional sensitivity.

Hysteroidism serves as an aid in networking. People with a pronounced radical often have an extensive circle of acquaintances and connections, which is extremely useful in PR, show business, journalism, etc. Hysteroids have a bright personality, and are also able to express themselves through the creation of images.

It is important to note that not all people with a hysteroid personality type have these advantages. Each person is a unique and unrepeatable personality with their own strengths and weaknesses.

What should you do if you are a hysteroid?

When it comes to human interaction, the most important thing is respect. Do not think that hysteroids are showy people who endlessly manipulate others. More often than not, the strong desire to be liked and be the center of attention hides the pain and wounded heart that was once there. The best thing to do is to treat with acceptance and interest. Also, we should not forget that hysteroid traits are in all of us.

Although this article is about a generalized view of the hysteroid (histrionic) personality type, it is important to remember: each person is unique and special. No two life stories are the same. We can never fully understand exactly how other people feel about the world. That is why no conscientious professional can tell a person how to live their life.

If, after reading this article, you have realized that you have a pretty strong hysteroidism, try to answer yourself the questions:

  • what exactly does this knowledge of yourself give you?
  • in what ways does your hysteroidism hinder you, and in what ways does it help you and give you advantages?
  • What problems do you face?
  • Do you need help to move in the direction of solving these problems?

If, in answering these questions, you realize that there are problems that prevent you from living your life to the fullest and you don’t know what to do about them, seek help from a specialist.

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