Celé telo za 30 minút. Efektívne cvičenie doma

It’s getting colder outside and it’s getting harder and harder to get out of the house. You want to skip not only work, but also training. In such weather, sometimes you don’t feel like driving around the city at all, and not everyone is lucky enough to have a fitness center in front of their house. However, this is no reason to give up sports. You can keep yourself toned at home without spending too much time. Together with blogger and author of home training programs Maria Smirnova, we tell you how to keep your figure or put it in order with the help of four effective exercises. Even though it’s winter, it’s time to start preparing for summer!

What do I need for a home workout?

To keep your body toned, all you need is 20-30 minutes of exercise a day. All you need is some free space and two dumbbells of 2-3 kg each. They can be replaced by suitable improvised means. Each exercise should be performed in three approaches of 15-20 repetitions – depending on your fitness.

It is best to start your workout with a warm-up. Warming up for 3-5 minutes is enough: it will warm up your muscles and prepare your joints and tendons for the load. Warming up reduces the risk of injury, helps you to get in the mood for training and smoothly “accelerate” the body’s systems. After warming up, you can begin the exercises.

Squat-plie with dumbbell raises

Exercise for hip adductor muscles, deltoids, biceps.

Východisková pozícia: legs wide apart, toes turned to the sides almost 180 degrees, back straight.

Slowly lower the pelvis down until the hips are parallel to the floor. At the same time, the knees are apart, repeating the direction of the promontories. Fix the position. Bend your arms with dumbbells at right angles at the elbows and raise them in front of you so that the shoulders are almost parallel to the floor. From this position, raise your arms up, extending them, and return to the starting position.

Squats in motion

Exercise for thigh circumference, gluteal muscles.

Východisková pozícia: standing on one leg, the second leg is slightly turned back, its toe touches the floor.

While squatting, take the back leg a little farther than shoulder width, toes slightly turned to the sides. Lower yourself down so that your knees bend at almost a right angle. As you straighten up, lift and bring the other leg back. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.

Push-ups with a clap on the shoulder

Exercise for triceps.

Východisková pozícia: hands at shoulder width, slightly bent at the elbows (to load the triceps), legs pulled back as far as possible and pressed against each other.

Keeping your body straight, slowly lower yourself down as far as possible without touching the floor and hold at this point. Return to the starting position, clap one hand on the shoulder of the other. Change hands during the exercise.

To sufficiently load the triceps, it is important to always leave the elbows slightly bent, without straightening to the end. It is also worth remembering that during the exercise they should be kept along the body and not spread apart.

Double torso raises

Exercise for abdominal abs.

Východisková pozícia: lying on your back, straight legs raised at an angle of 90 degrees, shoulders off the floor, arms bent at the elbows and raised so that the forearms are above the face.

Spread your legs apart, at the same time join your arms and stretch them forward. Return to the starting position. Once again stretch forward, but this time leave your legs together and your arms stretched along the body. Return to the starting position again.

Of course, it is not worth comparing a half-hour workout with two full hours in the gym. However, these exercises will be useful. They are well suited to those who want to keep themselves in tone and do not spend too much time on it. The main thing is to do everything correctly, do not be lazy and train regularly.

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