Why do my legs swell by the end of the day and how to deal with it? 3 recommendations from a phlebologist

Armen Avakian

doctor, phlebologic surgeon of the First professional network of orthopedic salons ORTEKA

Often swellings of the legs are caused by static loads, because the lack of movement makes it difficult for blood to flow through the veins of the legs. They often appear in the evening, for example, after a day at the office, when the venous system of the lower limbs is already maximally overloaded due to prolonged stay in one position.

Why legs swell by the end of the day

Lack of physical activity

Blood through the veins of the legs goes to the heart from bottom to top, overcoming the force of gravity. When walking, the lower leg muscles contract, acting on the blood vessels and helping the blood flow out. In a stationary state, the muscles do not work, do not stimulate the flow of blood, which can cause its stagnation.

This condition creates conditions for the formation of edema. They often bother office workers who spend a lot of time at the computer. Legs often swell on long journeys, because in a train, car or airplane a person sits in one position and does not move at all.

Uncomfortable shoes

Shoes with too high heels prevent the muscles of the lower leg from working properly. When wearing such shoes on a daily basis, they are strained unnecessarily and therefore do not always effectively help the outflow of blood. Narrow shoes also impair blood circulation.

The link told you what happens if you choose the wrong shoes for exercise.

Since the blood moving through the veins of the legs, forced to continuously resist the force of gravity, the appearance of edema are susceptible to representatives of the so-called standing occupations. We are talking about hairdressers, salesmen, doctors, etc. Due to regular prolonged stay on the legs, the venous system suffers.

Pregnancy and hormonal changes

When the uterus enlarges, it begins to press on the large venous vessels in the pelvis, which impedes blood circulation and eventually causes swelling. Contribute to their appearance and hormonal changes inherent in this period.

How to avoid swelling

Try to walk more

At work during the day, take breaks every hour, get up from your chair and move around more. Once again, it is better not to call a colleague, and walk to him.

Use the stairs instead of the elevator, and walk outside during your lunch break, especially if the weather permits. When you walk, your lower leg muscles are working, which means better blood flow.

Choose the right shoes

Casual shoes should have a wide toe and a small stable heel. It is better to choose orthopedic shoes – thanks to it, the feet do not swell, do not overstretch and do not get tired.

Use aids

For full support of the venous system, it is recommended to wear compression knitwear. It stimulates the outflow of blood, prevents the appearance of swelling and symptoms such as heaviness, pain, fatigue in the legs.

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Compression knitwear is necessary for everyone who spends a lot of time sitting or standing every day. It is useful to use it with heavy physical exertion, during pregnancy and on long trips. Such a product should be worn if any of the relatives suffer from vein pathologies.

If your legs swell regularly, see a phlebologist. Such a symptom can warn including chronic heart failure, kidney disease, primary or secondary lymphostasis. After examination, the doctor will determine what exactly caused the swelling.

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