Why does bad weather make you crave fatty foods and what to do about it?

What to do if you crave junk food? How do food preferences depend on the weather?

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It is difficult not to notice how the season affects the diet. The cloudier and colder it gets outside, the more calorie-dense food your body demands. The obsession to eat something fatty appears imperceptibly, but then quite clearly affects the figure.

Taisia Prokopenko


The main reason why the body requires caloric food, lies in physiology.

Why does the need for fatty food appear?

Few people think about why at certain times want this or that product. But it’s important because understanding the reasons helps you control your cravings.

Taisia: When a person has a need for fatty foods, it means that the body’s energy expenditure increases.

Even if you don’t lead an active lifestyle and go to the gym occasionally, your body uses a lot of energy during the day. There are four main energy-consuming tasks:

  • functioning of body systems and organs (about 1000-1300 kcal per day);
  • movement: to perform daily tasks, not including sports, the body expends about 20% of the individual daily calorie allowance;
  • digestion ;
  • thermoregulation.

Let’s talk about the last aspect in more detail. To maintain a normal body temperature, it takes about 10% of calories from the daily ration. Accordingly, when it gets cold outside, a person needs more energy to warm up. And often the body requires more caloric food. And the most caloric is considered to be fat, because per 1 g of fat is about 9 kcal.

Another reason that affects the need for nutrition – cloudy weather. At such times, the body feels the lack of vitamin D, which is synthesized under the influence of sunlight. Among other things, vitamin D is responsible for the feeling of satiety, so the less we get, the more we want to eat.

Eat more protein
It is also important to ensure a stable feeling of satiety, which is best accomplished by protein. It is necessary to eat meat, fish, seafood, which can provide the body with vitamin D.

Add starchy foods to your diet
To get long-term energy reserves, you need starchy products: cereals, cereals, pasta, bread. It is necessary to consume vegetables and fruits in the cold season. Due to such a full set, the body gets a sense of satiety. And this is important not only in bad weather.

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