Why I gave up sunflower oil and switched to ghee. Personal story and doctor’s opinion

Olesya Platonova-Gubinskaya

Certified fitness nutritionist at the Bionica Biohacking Club

I have been using ghee for frying food for two years now. I tell you why I gave up traditional sunflower oil.

Based on my experience in nutritional science, I started using ghee oil because of an intolerance to the milk protein casein.

Ghee butter is a pure butter made by heating cream and removing the moisture and milk proteins from it. It is lactose and casein free, so for me it is a good alternative to regular butter.

Milk protein intolerance tests are set by a doctor after appropriate tests. This reaction occurs when the body cannot break down casein properly. This can lead to various symptoms including nausea, abdominal bloating, diarrhea, skin rashes and other problems.

Another reason why I switched to ghee oil is because of its high antioxidant levels. Many studies show that it is rich in fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E and K.

Meanwhile, scientists say that heating vegetable oil to high temperatures can lead to the formation of harmful compounds that raise blood cholesterol levels. This increases the risk of various diseases and provokes inflammatory processes in the body.

In addition, ghee oil is more resistant to high temperatures and retains its properties longer. Before cooking, I heat the oil on medium heat. It quickly spreads over the surface of the pan, and frying takes place evenly. And dishes turn out more flavorful and tasty due to the high content of saturated fats.

The main thing is not to overcook, as this is harmful and can lead to high cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as the loss of important nutrients.

After switching to ghee oil, I noticed an improvement in my gut and skin health. This is how I got rid of acne and allergic reactions.

These are the pros and cons of ghee oil that I have highlighted for myself:


  • Has a high boiling point, which allows it to be used for frying without turning foods into a carcinogen;
  • helps speed up metabolism and improves digestion, which is good for weight loss.


  • Ghee oil is quite caloric, accordingly, its consumption should be moderate.

Názor lekára

Rustem Sadykov

odborník na výživu, gastroenterológ, kandidát lekárskych vied, klinický farmakológ

Ghee oil is really a product that I recommend to all my patients to use instead of sunflower oil. Why?

  • First, it is a very ancient product created in India. It was used as a medicine, not just as a food product.
  • Secondly, due to the prolonged heating, we get pure fat, which is essential for our body. Casein is broken down and becomes readily available.
  • Third, it is actually good for health. It is even added to freshly brewed coffee to improve brain function. The drink is called bronecoffee.

I also want to warn you that the product is high in calories, so I don’t recommend consuming it in large quantities. No more than 1 tbsp a day.

One “but” – if the ghee butter is not flowed properly, traces of lactose may remain. Often manufacturers cook the butter on a production scale, yielding 100% butter. This problem can occur when you prepare the product yourself.

As for intolerance to milk protein, genetics plays not the least role here. But some people may experience symptoms as they get older.

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