Why some nations are more prone to obesity than others. The U.S. leads the list
This condition is not a matter of aesthetics or beauty, but a real disease.
We tell together with the doctor.
Statistics show that the United States leads the list of countries in the percentage of obese people. Among Americans, about one-third of adults are overweight. In other countries, too, there are many overweight people: for example, in Russia, every fourth person faces this problem. But why does this figure vary from region to region?
CITILAB clinical laboratory diagnostician
Not everyone chooses to eat fast food and convenience foods by choice. In some regions, it is difficult to find fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables.
Lack of physical activity
Lack of physical activity is another cause of overweight. In the U.S., more than 60% of residents lead sedentary lifestyles, and 25% do not exercise at all. You don’t have to become a professional athlete to maintain your body, but simple walking, dancing, swimming, and light aerobics are definitely necessary.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – https://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/sgr/adults.htm.
Lack of balance between work and rest, high stress levels, and lack of sleep all contribute to weight gain, too. Meanwhile, more than 60% of people in American metropolitan areas are constantly under stress. Many simply “eat” negative emotions. Because hot food, rich in sugars and fast carbohydrates, really helps to calm down and signals to the brain that we are safe. But if you use this method often, overweight is inevitable.
How do you avoid this problem?
Nádej: Obesity is not a cosmetic problem at all. It poses serious health risks. Among other things, it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is the number one cause of death. Being overweight also increases the likelihood of diabetes and musculoskeletal diseases.
To diagnose obesity-related conditions, it is important to have an annual preventive screening. It includes clinical tests that reflect the condition of the body:
- ALT (alanine aminotransferase);
- general blood count + leukoformula + COE;
- general urinalysis;
- AST (aspartateaminotransferase);
- bilirubin;
- thyroid hormones;
- assessment of lipid metabolism;
- insulin.
To assess the presence of excess weight can also be independently. There is a special indicator for diagnosing obesity – body mass index. It is easy to diagnose: your weight in kilograms should be divided by the squared height in meters:
weight (kg): height (cm) * height (cm) = BMI