Yoga and Pilates. Pilates and yoga. These types of training are often compared, often opposed. What to choose for training, what is better for back pain, and what is safer? To begin with, it is worth understanding what these programs are.
Yoga is a set of spiritual and physical practices, the purpose of which is the harmony of soul and body. For more than a millennium, thousands of people have adhered to this philosophy. Pilates, on the other hand, is a system of physical exercises aimed at mobilizing the joints and working out the cortical muscles. It was created by Joseph Pilates in the early 20s of the last century.
Olga Barbashina, kinesiotherapy specialist, LFC instructor, sports aerobics trainer and expert of the International Festival of Health and Sports SN PRO EXPO FORUM, tells us why many people put these trainings in one row and how to choose the one that suits you.
What do yoga and Pilates have in common?
Firstly, they are two systems of health improvement, which people come to in order to improve their health, joints, spine, to become more mobile and coordinated.
Secondly, both Pilates and yoga classes are of low, rarely medium intensity, which means that you will not be forced to jump, run, do push-ups and squats at a high pace. The pace of execution will be measured and relaxed.
Third, both types of activity pay special attention to breathing. All movements will be accompanied by purposeful inhalations and exhalations.
And fourthly, both systems emphasize working deep muscles of the body, pelvic floor muscles, postural musculature. At the same time, it is necessary to work and improve joint mobility and muscle elasticity.
What are the differences between yoga and Pilates?
In general, it seems that they are very similar, but this is only until you look at the differences. And there are quite a few.
Yoga, unlike Pilates, does not stop only at working with the body. It goes deeper, working on the spiritual component and correcting the emotional state of a person. Meditation and chanting mantras are considered to be an integral part of it.
In classical yoga exercises are performed in static. That is, having taken a certain asana, you stay in it for several breathing cycles. In Pilates, the exercises are always dynamic: on the exhalation the movement is performed, and on the inhalation it is necessary to return to the initial position.
There are many varieties of yoga, which are radically different from each other. For example, during an Ashtanga yoga class you will feel the intense work of the body. It will be very different from Yoga Nidra, the purpose of which is to learn how to consciously relax. Pilates, on the other hand, is more unidirectional and easy to understand. There are levels in it: for beginners, for more prepared, etc. But in fact these are modifications of the same exercises to increase the load.
But the equipment is different. For yoga you will only need a mat. But Pilates is not limited to this. Lessons are conducted both with small equipment (balls, ribbons, rollers, rings) and with large equipment (Sadillas, Reformer, Allegro). This allows not only to diversify the training process, but also to make it more qualitative and effective.
You will also breathe in different ways. In Pilates you will be asked to take a deep breath in through the nose, exhale through the mouth with simultaneous tightening of the abdomen to the spine. In yoga, you will be taught to “belly breathe” (diaphragmatic breathing) by inhaling and exhaling through your nose.
One more thing to consider is the level of difficulty. In Pilates, most of the exercises are accessible and doable for most people, especially with regular training. In yoga, however, you will find asanas that are beyond the control of ordinary people, and to perform them will require years of training.
What to choose?
You should focus on the state of your musculoskeletal system. If you are experiencing pain in the spine and joints, start with Pilates. The system was originally designed to restore movement and help with rehabilitation. If you opt for yoga, look for a competent trainer who specializes in yoga therapy. And starting with group classes is definitely not a good idea.
You should consult a doctor before starting any training.
If you don’t like your emotional state, are stressed at work, hyper-responsible, can’t relax, try yoga. Meditations and breathing can help you release tension and find balance.
If you decide to start with home workouts, you should give preference to Pilates. While mistakes in execution are not so bad here, in yoga they can lead to serious injuries.
Whatever you choose, find the right level of training for you, train regularly and preferably under the supervision of a trainer!