Zhang Zhuang: an ancient practice that replaces the plank, running and other strength training exercises

Zhang Zhuang: an ancient practice that replaces the plank, running and other strength training exercises

Vladislav Barshadsky

Vladislav Barshadsky

The ancient art of standing like a tree

Some people stand in one pose for an hour. And here’s why.

Vladislav Barshadsky

Endocrinologist, mentor of the Health Buddy health restoration and preservation project

There are hundreds of forms of qigong exercises, and most of them use a derivative of Zhang Zhuang, which means “standing like a tree,” as the foundational practice. As the name suggests, Zhang Zhuang is a practice in which a person stands still in an upright position, imitating a tree. The metaphor of a tree is appropriate, as the legs and torso resemble the trunk of a tree, while the head and limbs resemble the branches.

Advantages of Zhang Zhuang

Zhang Zhuang is a fairly simple and accessible practice that carries great benefits for the body. The main benefit of this standing form of meditation is the increase and accumulation of physical energy that comes with the straightening of body posture.

Improper posture has already become commonplace for almost all modern people, for example, in the United States, half of the population is concerned about the problem of poor posture. Improper back posture accumulates fatigue, consumes an enormous amount of energy for the work of various organ systems, whether it is the musculoskeletal system (spine and back muscles), respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract. The Tree exercise helps with these problems.

Zhang Zhuang is also useful for the elderly and has a therapeutic effect during rehabilitation after injuries and during the treatment of mental illness. If there have been serious injuries to the musculoskeletal system, it is worth consulting a doctor before practicing.

Health Benefits of Regular Zhang Zhuang Practice

  • Increase in hemoglobin.
  • Better nerve impulse conduction.
  • Increase in the amount of oxygen in the body.
  • Improved sleep.

All these benefits are explained by several factors: due to the active work of the diaphragm and the correct location of the body in space, the functions of the respiratory system, lymph flow, saturation of each cell of the body with oxygen (which, in turn, has an incredibly beneficial effect on the functions of nerve tissue conduction).

How long can you stand in tree pose?

When performing most vigorous exercise, such as running, etc., the heart rate and breathing rate increase until it reaches a point where you have to stop. This leads to rapid fatigue and requires a long recovery period. In addition, most of these exercises can be injury prone.

With the practice of Zhang Zhuang, the body also experiences a load similar to what it receives during exercise, but the heart rate is virtually unchanged, breathing is restored, in parallel stimulating the vascular system. If performed correctly, one can feel a burst of energy both during short and long practice sessions.

Time for practicing Zhang Zhuang can be regulated independently – start with five minutes and gradually increase to one hour.

Standing in the “Tree” pose has all the advantages of aerobic exercises for health, while giving a sense of relaxation and energy, helps to cope with stress and various ailments.

Read about how qigong helps to improve mental health at this link.
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