Coffee can be healthy. The main thing is to choose the right coffee

Coffee can be healthy. The main thing is to choose the right coffee

Yulia Fedorova

Julia Fedorova

How does coffee affect the body?

This drink has both pros and cons. But what do scientists think?

Cappuccino, latte, flat white – coffee can be prepared in many different ways. In 2019 alone, 180 thousand tons of coffee were bought in Russia. This means that the vast majority of Russians regularly drink this beverage. But the question arises: do we know exactly how coffee affects the body? Norwegian scientists have found the answer.

What is the essence of the study?

For almost 20 years, researchers observed Norwegians aged 20 to 79 years old and drew conclusions about how coffee, prepared by different methods, affects their health. Other factors were also taken into account: weight, physical activity, alcohol consumption, smoking and blood cholesterol levels.

The scientists say their work provides insight into the link between the way coffee is brewed and the risk of heart attack, as well as life expectancy.

Which coffee is healthier?

According to the study, filter coffee was found to be the healthiest. It is prepared by pouring hot water once through a special filter, which contains a layer of ground coffee. The benefit of such a drink confirms the low mortality rate among the participants of the experiment, who drank up to four cups a day.

Scientists also found out that drinking filter coffee is healthier than giving it up altogether. Consumption of the drink reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases by 15%. Moreover, the authors of the scientific work specify that coffee does not affect the immune system – it is only rich in antioxidants.

What coffee was the most harmful?

The least useful was unfiltered drink. During its preparation, the coffee grounds remain in hot water for a long time. Unfiltered coffee includes espresso, cappuccino, latte, Turkish coffee and French press.

The negative effects of such a drink are due to the fact that it contains substances that increase the level of “harmful” cholesterol. One cup of unfiltered coffee contains 30 times more of it than the filtered alternative.

Thus, it is not necessary to give up the invigorating drink altogether. However, you should take a more conscious approach to the choice of coffee, giving preference to filtered versions.

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