Soccer is the sport of millions. Some teenagers dream of becoming professionals, playing in big stadiums, being an idol for someone. However, here everything is not as easy as it seems. Talent alone will not be enough, you need to be ready for regular and sometimes grueling training. Today let’s talk about one of the most important qualities for players on the field – endurance.
In many sports, both cycling, games and martial arts, one of the essential physical qualities is endurance.
Why do soccer players need endurance?
It is a very energy-consuming game, even if we are talking about the amateur level. Professional soccer players undergo very serious training to stay in good shape. You won’t get anywhere if you don’t try, and endurance is the most important point of effort. The length of a soccer field varies from 90 to 120 meters, a distance that some players have to cover over and over again.
Not only general endurance, but also speed and strength endurance. Speed is responsible for the rapid execution of movements for a certain period of time, and over time the technique and quality of performance should not suffer. And power allows you to fight on the “second floor” (head in the air), as well as with the body.
What is endurance and how to develop it?
The term “general endurance” refers to the ability to perform long, even work. It is provided by the heart’s ability to pump a sufficient volume of oxygen-enriched blood for the working muscles.
The main method of training general endurance is a long continuous load covering most of the muscles, most often running (in non-running cyclic sports specific exercises are used: swimming, cycling, rowing, cross-country skiing, etc.).
Alexander Elkonin: gradually increasing the duration of training (increase not more than 10% per week), you can expect the effect, for example, an increase in running speed at the same subjective severity of the load (usually no more than 6-7 on a 10-point scale) after a few months of regular (3-4 times a week for 40-60 minutes) training.
In addition to general endurance, there is also talk about specific endurance, which reflects the ability of specific muscles to work for a long time without losing power under submaximal load. Power endurance is especially important in many game sports and martial arts, where during a long exercise it is necessary to repeatedly develop the ultimate tension of limited muscle groups.
From the physiological point of view, such endurance is provided by the ability of muscles to use blood oxygen for energy supply, as well as their ability to work in conditions of oxygen deficiency, when the anaerobic mechanism of energy supply is activated and lactic acid is released.
What exercises help to pump strength endurance?
This indicator is trained with exercises in a multi repetition mode. Unlike general endurance, the effect of such training appears after a few weeks of regular exercise.
Skakanje s skakalnico
- Take a jump rope in your hands, stand up straight, arms lowered along the body.
- Position yourself so that the rope is at your back.
- Make a movement with your hands, throw the rope forward and jump over it.
- Continue jumping so that you land on your toes and only your wrist joints are working.
- Dihajte enakomerno.
- Sit on the exercise machine, put your feet on the pedals, take hold of the handlebars.
- Turn on the desired mode. If you want your workout to be as effective as possible, alternate uphill and normal riding.
- When pedaling, breathe evenly.
- Grab the bar with your hands, hang on it and extend your legs.
- As you exhale, bend your arms at the elbows and slowly pull yourself up so that you touch your chin on the bar.
- Z vdihom se vrnite v začetni položaj.
- Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist.
- As you inhale, bend your legs at the knees so that at the bottom point your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Extend your arms in front of you.
- Z izdihom se vrnite v začetni položaj.
- Do not squat too low or too high, the angle at the knee joint should be about 90 degrees.
What is speed endurance?
Let’s move on to another indicator, without which there is no place in soccer. As a rule, the term “speed endurance” is used when talking about the ability to maintain the necessary speed of movement on a given stretch – on the distance of competition or on the playing field.
Alexander Elkonin: speed endurance is provided, in addition to the previously mentioned mechanisms, by the ability of the nervous system to maintain an intensive flow of impulses that cause muscle contraction, while maintaining the operability of the mechanisms of transmission of these impulses from nerve endings to muscles.
It is trained by repeated fast running of relatively short intervals, interspersing the work with periods of low-intensity loading. The time of work on each interval, the rest time, the number of intervals in a series and the number of series are determined by the goals of the training process. Generally, the shorter the competition distance, the shorter the intervals in training.
Additional factors that influence endurance training
Training alone is not enough to develop endurance. The effectiveness of training depends strongly on the rhythm of life. First of all, you need to keep track of how much you sleep. Sleep deprivation is a direct path to exhaustion.
You should also pay attention to nutrition, drink more water, try to exclude harmful products from the diet and make it balanced. And is it worth mentioning that smoking is the main enemy of endurance? Cigarette smoke directly affects hemoglobin. And he, in turn, performs in the body its main function – the transfer of oxygen. It should not be interfered with, because, as we have already said, oxygen plays an important role in the training process, especially when it comes to long-term training. Oxygenated muscles are strong muscles.
Alexander Elkonin: In conclusion, it should be added that any serious training brings results only if the process provides time and conditions for rest and recovery – otherwise, instead of progress, exhaustion occurs. A full night’s sleep and a regular balanced diet help you to bear the strain more easily.