Zakaj je narobe pritoževati se nad svojim življenjem? Kako lahko to škoduje vam in ljudem okoli vas
Complaining is a natural process of life. Every human being sooner or later feels the need to whine. In moderation, this technique is good for our brains. The
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10 znakov introverta. Psiholog razloži, zakaj se morda ne počutite dobro v družbi ljudi.
Today, one in two people consider themselves introverts. Pandemonium and telecommuting have played a big part here. But are there really that many of them? business psychologist, clinical
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20 citatov trenerja Teda Lassa, ki bodo navdihnili tudi tiste, ki so za vedno obupali
20 quotes from coach Ted Lasso that will inspire even those who have despaired forever Valentina Glazko February 7, 2023, 18:45 MSC The main character of the popular
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How to understand that your body is on the verge of nervous exhaustion: 10 signs
Unwillingness to start work, apathy, moping, brokenness and depressed state – usually all of this catches up with us at the most inopportune moments. For example, when it’s
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9 značajskih lastnosti, ki športnikom pomagajo postati prvaki
family psychologist, specialist in working with anxiety From the point of view of psychology, a human being is a unique creature capable of many things. Including a serious
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On je najboljši, ti pa si nihče: 10 lastnosti strupene osebe in vzorci vedenja
Imagine: you come to the gym with a training program and confidence in your abilities. You do one approach, another… Then a stranger comes up to you and
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Kako prenehati jesti ponoči in začeti teči: navodila za oblikovanje navade
MSS business coach, executive coach Habits are specific mechanics that determine the function of our brain. We are talking about learned behavior, the implementation of which brings a
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Z znanjem teh 15 besed boste v očeh drugih postali intelektualec.
The words we use during a conversation or speech influence the minds of others and shape our image. The same meaning can be conveyed with different vocabulary and
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The Last of Us: zakaj psiholog meni, da je glavni junak serije idealen oče?
The Last of Us” (The Last of Us) attracted not only with its exciting plot based on a computer game, but also with its complex psychological relationships. Behind
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Zdravnik je povedal, zakaj ne morete trajno shujšati, ne da bi se imeli radi s prekomerno telesno težo
We are used to explaining problems with excess weight superficially – low physical activity, increased appetite. Few people think about what is the reason for these things? Where
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