We understand together with a fitness trainer.
Man can not live without water. It is the basic component of life on the entire planet. Despite the naturalness of human interaction with water, many myths continue to surround this topic.
We present seven popular judgments about water and examine which of them are true and which are not.
Milon Club fitness trainer
It is advisable to monitor water consumption. Over time, the body will get used to it and will start to feel thirsty when it needs it. But the less often we drink, the less we want, so if you haven’t had a drink for a long time and you don’t feel like it, you should drink at least a small amount of water.
Valerija: Liquids also include juices, soups, teas, etc.
If you have edema, drink less water – a myth
Often, the amount of fluids is reduced to combat edema. However, this only aggravates the situation, because the lack of water in the body is the main cause of puffiness.
Valerija: Our body tends to accumulate what it lacks. Consequently, the less water we consume, the greater the accumulation. To get rid of puffiness, you need to drink an individual daily norm.
Washing moisturizes the skin – partly true
Ordinary water has a favorable effect on the skin, but it is not enough to penetrate into the deep layers. It is necessary to use additional means: gels, foams for washing, tonics, creams. The obligatory condition is the acidic environment of the cosmetic product. For example, hyaluronic acid is considered the leader among skin moisturizers.
Valerija: The claim that water dilutes gastric juice is a myth. On the contrary, it helps to pulverize food and make the food lump softer, which will facilitate its movement down the esophagus.
Water cleanses the body of toxins – the truth
Regular drinking helps to eliminate salts, toxins and toxins that accumulate in the cells and clog the body, causing it serious damage.
Water, according to many scientists, stabilizes kidney function. The more water we drink, the easier it is for the kidneys to eliminate harmful substances. Just 150-200 ml of warm water on an empty stomach will clean the mucous membranes from accumulated overnight toxins and “start” the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
Water also fights fat deposits. The less water contains the body, the easier it is to gain excess weight. The benefit of water for weight loss is that it is the only product that does not contain calories. A glass of water, filling the stomach, can reduce appetite and dull the feeling of hunger.
And all for good reason, because “living” water really has a lot of positive properties and has an extremely favorable effect on the body:
- eliminates signs of allergic reactions;
- fights skin diseases;
- protects cells from the effects of radiation;
- increases the value of antioxidants;
- removes toxins, toxins and heavy metals from the body;
- activates the development of the body’s defense response.