Red Bull Air Race 2019: zadnjič v Kazanu. Kako nepozabna je bila dirka?
The Red Bull Air Race is coming to Kazan for the third time, but,
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Ne zamudite: najpomembnejši športni dogodki letošnjega poletja
Summer is the season of vacations and summer cottages. In their free time everyone
SportFitly - šport, fitnes in zdravje
Švedski atlet Armand Duplantis: imenujejo ga "rekorder rekordov"
Swedish track and field athlete Armand Duplantis: he is called “the record breaker of
SportFitly - šport, fitnes in zdravje
Masaža z limfno drenažo: minus 5 cm v pasu v 2 sejah. Je to res?
Lymphatic drainage massage: minus 5 cm in the waist in 2 sessions. Is it
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Zakaj Šnur na stadionu zbere več ljudi kot naši nogometaši?
Sports venues built for major competitions like the World Cup or the Olympics are
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Figura akrobatike. Najboljša pilotka stoletja Svetlana Kapanina
A figure of aerobatics. The best pilot of the century Svetlana Kapanina Valeria Barinova
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Obleke ali športna oblačila: kaj naj nosi nogometni trener?
This week, Zenit head coach Sergei Semak and new Juventus coach Maurizio Sarri unknowingly
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Messi je star 32 let! Zakaj vsi obožujejo njegov Instagram?
Messi is 32! Why does everyone love his Instagram? Alexander Anatoliev June 24, 2019,
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Moskovčanu je bilo prepovedano teči v parku: je to zakonito?
A Muscovite was banned from running in the park: is it legal? Alexander Anatoliev
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Šport ob koncu tedna: najboljši dogodki prihajajočega konca tedna
Hot summer days are no reason to stay at home. In the next two
SportFitly - šport, fitnes in zdravje