Elementi za začetnike. Kako lepo drsati?
With the onset of the winter season, more and more skating rinks open and
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Nemogoče je mogoče. Kako jesti hitro hrano, ne da bi si uničili postavo
The impossible is possible. How to eat fast food without ruining your figure Eugenia
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Igre so namenjene vsem. Kako se je rodil paraolimpijski šport
In the twentieth century, humankind experienced two tragedies that affected every corner of the
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7 obetavnih tekmovalcev, ki jih morate spremljati že zdaj
All of the extreme athletes we’re about to tell you about are under 22
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Nevarne lepotice. Najbolj privlačna in spektakularna dekleta v MMA
Dangerous Beauties. The most attractive and spectacular girls in MMA Alexandra Nehotina December 8,
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Led in glasba iz filmov. Odlične predstave v drsanju posameznic
Figure skating is a kind of art on ice. And when the skaters’ brilliant
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Zimska miselnost. Katere športne dogodke obiskati do konca meseca?
New Year’s holidays are getting closer and closer, but that’s no reason to wrap
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Nevtralna zastava. Kdo in zakaj je nastopal pod olimpijskimi simboli
On December 9, WADA stripped Russia of its right to participate in international competitions
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Shujšajte brez občutka lakote. Kako deluje dieta Sirtfood
With amazing speed, the New Year is approaching. If you are one of those
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Za popolnost ni omejitev. 6 znanih nogometašev, ki so imeli plastično operacijo
Big sport has long been neighboring with show business. Famous soccer players are in
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