It would seem that the athlete’s body is made for tattoos… Firstly, purely technically – more pictures will fit and the surface is textured. Secondly, it is clearly worth showing and additional options are asking for themselves. But this is only in the view of the average person. If you believe the tattoo masters, everything is not so simple.
If you are a fan of athleticism, actively going in this direction and opportunities to decorate your achievements are also considered, it is better to be aware of possible overlays.
tattoo master, owner of Tattoo Studio by Egor Zverev
Any tattoo should emphasize the beauty of the body. It is always necessary to take its dynamics as a basis and adjust the composition of the image under it, emphasizing the volumes and shapes of muscles.
Of course, the athlete’s body is one of the best canvases. But, there are a number of moments that complicate the work of the master, the process of adaptation of the client, and the fate of the creation.
There is one more thing that can become an obstacle. Sometimes athletes themselves refuse the tempting option. We will also talk about this below.
What are the difficulties
1. You will have to take a break
It is important to remember that you will have to refrain from physical activity during the healing period. The time limit is two weeks. This means that there will be a break in the training process. Of course, tattoos are different. With a tiny inscription is easier, but large designs … For athletes (especially professionals) to allocate such a period for healing can be difficult.
Lifehack: plan to go to a tattoo artist for the period when there is a break between competitions.
2. because of the large muscle mass will be more painful
The painfulness of the procedure is an individual moment. Why? Depends on the state of the body, place, size of the tattoo, style. But athletes are often given tattoos more painful. The reason – their body is working at full capacity, including nerve endings. Especially painful if the day before the session the athlete had a hard workout.
Lifehack: before going to the tattoo parlor, the body is better to give a good night’s sleep and refreshment (eat a heavy meal).
3. there is a risk of deformation of the image
The most popular places for tattoos are forearms, calves, thighs, shoulders. On the body with elaborate relief (for example, on the shoulder), the picture will be greatly deformed. This is especially dangerous for portraits.
Lifehack: look for the right shape and angles.
For example, if it is a human figure, it is better to place the head on the delta, so that it stands out and is emphasized. But at the junction of the delta and biceps is definitely not worth hitting. The face will be distorted even with a small volume of muscles.
The abs and ribs are always a highly deformable part of the body. Especially when gaining mass.
To be on the safe side, it is better to choose abstract shapes and ornaments. Especially good for athletes is . “organic” style. It combines perfectly with relief.
When athletes refuse
Today many athletes have tattoos. However, professional bodybuilders who participate in competitions, decorate the body with images rarely. Why?
It’s simple – for the presence of tattoos reduce points. Officially, the IFBB does not forbid to have them. It is rather an unspoken rule. Everyone knows about it. The point is that images draw attention to themselves and the physique remains unnoticed. Tattoos hide the natural contours and shadows of muscles.