nutrition expert, founder of the GetVegetable nutrition delivery service
Is it possible to eat rice every day? What is it good for? Who should not eat a lot of rice?
Rice is one of the most popular and useful side dishes. Its history began about 10 thousand years ago in Asia, but today it is produced in many European countries and, of course, in Russia. Among the popular varieties stand out white, brown, jasmine, basmati and black.
Of the valuable for health properties of rice can be distinguished:
- favorable effect on the intestine due to its enveloping properties;
- normalization of blood pressure;
- strengthening the heart and blood vessels;
- improvement of brain activity.
This product is able to prolong youth, as it contains a large number of antioxidants. Those who regularly go to the gym, it will also be useful because of folic acid and minerals that restore muscles after training.
For women, rice is recommended separately as a rejuvenating product with antioxidant effects. It gives a feeling of satiety for a long time, so it will also be useful for the figure.
For men, rice is recommended to restore strength. It will also be beneficial for the thyroid gland and increase testosterone.
When should you not eat rice?
Of course, like any other product, rice has contraindications. First, it should not be abused by those who have problems with blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates in the composition of rice can cause fluctuations in this indicator.
Secondly, in large quantities, this dish can provoke intestinal problems and constipation.
What are the differences between different types of rice?
Such rice contains fewer useful substances than brown rice, since it is subjected to food processing. Nevertheless, it has a positive effect on the brain, heart and blood vessels. But you should not overdo it with white rice, so as not to cause a spike in blood sugar.
This variety is not subject to processing, so all the useful substances in it are preserved. It strengthens the heart and has a calming effect. It also normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, cleanses the body of toxins and stabilizes blood pressure.
But if you eat too much brown rice, it can lead to intestinal and kidney problems. It is better to limit yourself to three servings per week.
It is considered the most expensive of all types of rice and the lowest calorie. In 100 g contains about 110 kcal. Of course, it has other useful properties. For example, it contains folic acid and amino acids, vitamins A, E, K and PP. Beneficially affects the nervous system, slows down the aging process, strengthens blood vessels and heart muscles.
However, brown rice is not recommended for those diagnosed with diabetes.
Especially useful for pregnant women, as it contains a sufficient amount of folic acid. It also cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes blood cholesterol levels and strengthens heart function.
Ideal for dietary intake. Contains iodine, iron, calcium, potassium, etc. So that rice does not lose its useful properties, you should not add salt to it. Also do not advise eating it every day – it can provoke the development of diabetes.