Who is an epileptoid and why is it difficult to deal with? 10 personality type traits for self-diagnosis

In modern psychology there are several techniques for dividing personality types. Some scientists distinguish similarities by temperament, others by character. It is such classifications that gave us the concepts: pedantic, demonstrative, exalted, schizoid, epileptoid and others. We eagerly juggle terms and try to corral personality into a framework.

Meanwhile, the boundaries in typology are much more complicated, and it is almost impossible to trace a clear gradation in real life. However, if you turn to the theoretical scientific base, you can distinguish accentuations of character, which will help to understand the behavioral and emotional features of a person. This is necessary to better understand him and help him build quality relationships with others. Let’s touch a little on the history of the question.

The most famous personality typologies in foreign psychology are the works of Ernst Kretschmer and Karl Leongard, and in Russian psychology – Peter Borisovich Gannushkin and Andrei Evgenyevich Lichko. It is these scientists, on the basis of long searches and comparisons , identified several basic types: schizoid, hysteroid, paranoid, epileptoid.

In each such typology, the boundaries of the norm are defined, and the excess of indicators is exactly what is called “accentuation of character”. That is, very vivid manifestations of the laid temperament. But the predominance of certain traits in the character does not mean the disease and does not require treatment.

Accentuation of character – the norm. Nevertheless, it should be noted that their typological names of personalities have received exactly because of similar manifestations in diseases.

Diagnoses, which are made by a doctor-psychiatrist, imply a pathological condition, usually congenital. They manifest themselves always, everywhere and lead to social disadaptation. Character accentuation is just a sharpening of certain traits, which does not greatly affect the quality of life.

Who is an epileptoid and how to recognize him?

 Yulia Ivleva

psychologist, gestalt therapist

Yes, the presence of vivid manifestations of epileptoid character in a person does not indicate pathology. However, leave them without attention, especially if such accentuation prevents normal interaction in society, too, it is impossible. Over time, outbursts of anger and anger, peculiar to this type of personality, can grow into a neurological disease – epilepsy.

What characterizes the representative of this type? This is an authoritarian, pedantic, not inclined to empathy person. The epileptoid type of personality may be disposed to manifestations of affect in the form of an explosion of emotions or, conversely, passive, detached behavior in various life circumstances.

Such people are often resourceful, quickly come to solutions, but at the same time may face problems in communication.

Epileptoid is also characterized by sharp mood swings: from sullen taciturnity to activity, accompanied by ranting about how “should and right”. This condition is comparable to epilepsy – sudden seizures and convulsions. But people with epileptoid accentuation are not characterized by such a bright display of emotions. And, to repeat, it does not require any treatment (unlike epilepsy). Behavior in accentuation is only corrected.

Traits of the epileptoid personality type

What markers in character and behavior indicate that we are dealing with an epileptoid?

1. impulsiveness

The most striking feature of the epileptoid is the tendency to explosive expressions of emotion. These outbursts are comparable to a hurricane and are almost always sudden.

2. Conflict

Epileptoid not only easily responds to quarrels, but also can provoke them himself. Conflict for the epileptoid type personality is a defensive reaction, projection, through which he transfers to others suppressed anger and aggression.

Such a person does not recognize guilt for his affective outbursts, believing that others force him to defend, protect the existing order, conflict and comply with the rules.

3. Commitment to order

This personality type has strong beliefs about the correctness and validity of his actions and reactions to the actions of others. He himself is pedantic, neat, punctual and demands the same from others.

4. Adherence to hierarchy in relationships

Epileptoid strictly adheres to the relationship with his superiors, unconditionally fulfilling all orders. But at the same time strives to belong to those above. Achieving leadership positions, he demands similar submission.

5. The need to become wealthy

People of this type try to ensure their own well-being, and also seek to capitalize and benefit from everything. For them, material goods are an indicator that they are doing everything right.

6. Fear of making mistakes

Epileptoids are afraid of being unprepared for the unexpected and making mistakes. Hence the need to control everything that can be, to establish unquestionable orders and demand unquestioning compliance.

7. Striving to achieve the goal

To fulfill the planned these people use any means up to flattery, hypocrisy and obsequiousness. At the same time to those who are lower in status, epileptoid can treat with arrogance, picky and demanding – as their subordinates.

8. Tendency to dysphoria

The epileptoid personality type is characterized by a bad, gloomy mood, dreariness, irritability. This, in turn, often leads to apathy.

9. Self-obsession

In their perception of the world and understanding of the order epileptoids are not empathic and can neglect the feelings of others. By the way, their obsequiousness is partly a compensation for the lack of empathy. Therefore, it is from such a person most often you can hear words with diminutive and affectionate suffixes.

10. Inertness of thinking

“Viscosity” of thinking, which is inherent in epileptoids, creates certain difficulties in switching and speed of brain processes. Compensating for this inertness, they can be so attentive to minutiae that they fixate on unimportant things, losing sight of the main goal.

Getting stuck on negative thoughts and impressions, epileptoids become vindictive, vindictive, and obsessive. In addition, as compensation, they are prone to the formation of “supervaluable ideas”, giving them themselves importance and significance.

Of course, all these manifestations have not only negative but also positive features. Thanks to certain qualities epileptoid is able to succeed where less persistent and orderly personalities would have long ago dropped their hands. It is difficult for him to interact with the new, but he has no difficulty adhering to the conservative order, so in familiar conditions is ready to work for a high result.

As mentioned above, in practice, there are rarely personality types with manifestations inherent only in this category. In a person, as a rule, is mixed from different temperaments. What is associated with the manifestation of certain characteristics?

Causes of the development of epileptoidnosti

Scientists are inclined to the fact that such a type of character is based on hereditary predisposition – peculiarities of the formation of mental processes, due to which a person becomes inert and “clumsy”. However, how sharp will be emphasized in the described features in the character of a person, undoubtedly depends on the environment, first of all – from the family.

And regardless of whether the child grew up surrounded by chaotic and unpredictable adults or in a family that adhered to strict orders. And inconsistent upbringing, and that was based on rigid rules, equally disrupt the formation of a coherent personality. As a result, the child gives up himself, his feelings, natural spontaneity and true needs in favor of adults.

At the same time, the need to change himself and his boundaries remains, which undoubtedly causes anger and aggression, which he tries to suppress. After unrealized and unexpressed feelings “shoot out” in the form of affective outbursts.

Love for order and defending their firm beliefs allow at least something in his life to control and stabilize, thus compensating for the weakness of his own personality.

Diagnostic tools for epileptoid personality type

There are several ways to diagnose personality type accentuation. The most common is the Standardized Multifactor Personality Inventory – SMIL (a modification of the MMPI test – Minnesota Multifactor Personality Inventory edited by Ludmila Sobchik).

The test includes a questionnaire of 566 questions. The obtained results give a voluminous description of personality, on the basis of which a conclusion can be made.

For adolescents (14-18 years old) the “Pathocharacterological Diagnostic Questionnaire (PDO)” is used Lichko. Less often used questionnaire Shmishek, Leongard “Methodology of accentuation of character and temperament of personality”. All these tests can be completed independently online.

Does an epileptoid need treatment?

With a mildly pronounced accentuation of character, no treatment is required. If there is a deterioration in the quality of life, there are difficulties in communicating with others, and fits of anger become uncontrollable – may require psychotherapy.

Medication support of psychotherapy is not excluded in particularly difficult cases. In this case, the need for the use of drugs is determined by a psychiatrist.

The main goal of psychotherapy is to restore the contact of a person with his feelings, which he used to suppress. With the epileptoid type of personality, work begins through the body, since the suppressed experiences remain in it in the form of clamps and tension. Through working with these feelings, one can work one’s way to the feelings, and through them to the unmet needs.

In addition, it is the repressed experiences and their retention that cause increased anxiety and, as a consequence, a defensive reaction in the form of a desire to keep everything under control. Therefore, as the repressed feelings are reenacted and lived, the amount of affective manifestations, stubbornness, and control will decrease.

Establishing a therapeutic alliance and contact with a psychologist will help fill the “emotional gap” and restore the ability to empathy, perception and warm feelings. The epileptoid will find it easier to hold on to reality without running away into super-valuable ideas and unimportant trivia. Usually this is how he escapes from related unbearable experiences – shame, guilt, fear, anger.

What are the prognoses after therapy?

The result of interaction with a specialist depends on the severity of epileptoid traits. If we talk about a personality disorder, then psychotherapeutic work with such a person is difficult and long. Epileptoid has a tendency to project his aggression on the outside world and does not take responsibility for the difficulties that arise in his life.

Because of the peculiarities of his character, he hardly agrees to psychotherapy. It is difficult for him to keep in contact with the therapist without interrupting the work when he faces unbearable experiences for himself.

Also much depends on the characteristics of the person, his desire to change and increase the comfort of his life. And, of course, on the professional qualities and stability of the therapist himself.

To live with him or not to live?

Contact with such a person can be very difficult. It is worth preparing for the fact that you will have to bear a lot of tension. It is important to remember that the anger that arises when communicating with him is not your anger. It is about his feelings, which he does not recognize, suppresses and appropriates you with the help of verbal and non-verbal manifestations.

An important point: when such a person shouts, it is not directed at you. In this way he manifests his emotions from the horror of the risk of not coping and being destroyed by the unbearable experiences arising in him.

Grumpiness, bad moods, stubbornness, obsessiveness – manifestations of the weakness of his personality and inability to cope with the complexities of the world around him, an attempt to protect himself and ensure his safety.

How to treat it? Here the choice is yours. If the relationship is important, you can try to understand and accept. But do you have to sacrifice yourself and your safety?

How to fix the relationship with him?

There are several techniques that help to maintain a positive balance in communicating with explosive and stubborn personalities. One of them is developed by psychiatrist Gerald Kreisman. The scheme involves breaking contact with a person into three steps.

The first step is support

When communicating with an epileptoid, it is necessary to express concern about the condition, emphasizing your own feelings. You can stick to the wording, “I am concerned about your feelings at the moment”.

The second step is empathy

Try to understand what emotions are overwhelming the person. Recognize them. Talk to him or her about these feelings using the phrases: “I think you are feeling fear/ anger/ anger right now because…”

The third step is to return to reality

Once you have managed to build rapport and calm your opponent, you can try to explain the problem and try to suggest solutions. Use the formulation: “How can I help you? / Let’s try to find a way out of the situation together”.

In this case, while the person is in a state of rage, then it is better to postpone the discussion, trying not to give in to provocation, and remain calm and thorough.

So, epileptoid personality is a conservative person who likes order in everything. He is often stubborn and achieves goals due to the desire to stand on their own to the last. However, because of the suppression of emotions epileptoid inherent in sudden outbursts of anger and rage, during which he can not always control feelings.

With mild manifestations, a person does not need the help of a psychotherapist and is able to establish communication with others. Treatment is required only when loved ones begin to suffer and the person himself realizes that he has problems with communication. Often epileptoids can turn a difficult character to benefit themselves and achieve high leadership positions.

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