11 important and useful exercises that we often ignore

You need to enter the new day in the right way. Morning rituals set a good mood, awaken the body and spirit. Morning exercise is no exception, but very often we ignore it and find thousands of excuses not to do anything. And very in vain.

Yulia Volkova


After sleep, the body needs to gain momentum and get into work mode. Proper morning workout keeps the muscles in tone. And their working condition, in turn, will allow the joints and vessels to function properly during the day. Not only your physical well-being, but also your mood will depend on this. I do not advise you to ignore charging after waking up, because it is the exercise that puts our body into working mode in the morning and allows us to feel good until the evening.

We have already written many times about exercises for morning exercises. Today we suggest you try something new and do a large complex of exercises in two stages. The first is performed right in bed, and the second – after rising.

Another variant of charging for yoga lovers look here.

Exercise in bed



  • Lie flat, raise your arms up and stretch well, now put your hands behind your head and lock them together.
  • Lift your legs up, bending them at the knees. Imagine that you are riding a bicycle, alternately move your legs as if you were pedaling.

Do this for one minute.

Back Stretch


  • Sit on the bed in the Turkish style.
  • Stretch your arms forward, placing them in front of you. Hold in this position for a while.
  • Återgå till startpositionen.

Do this exercise five times.

Turns of the foot


  • Sit on the edge of the bed, put your feet on the floor, right foot – on the toe.
  • Rotate the foot first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  • Repeat the exercise on the left foot.

Perform 10 times for each side.

Exercise after rising

Head rotations


  • Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart.
  • When turning, try to tilt your head as much as possible, do this exercise at a slow pace for better muscle stretching.

Perform 10-15 rotations first clockwise and then counterclockwise.

Shoulder rotations


  • Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart.
  • Perform shoulder rotations forward.
  • And then repeat the movement backwards.
  • Do not hurry, do it at a relaxed pace.

Do 10-15 rotations in each direction.

Side bends


  • Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart.
  • Tilt the body to the right, stretching the left arm above the head, stay in this position for a second.
  • Return to the starting position and bend to the other side.

Do 10 bends in each direction.



  • Stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Interlock your hands in front of you.
  • Take your pelvis back, bend your knees to an angle of 90 degrees. Hold for two counts.
  • Återgå till startpositionen.

Perform the exercise 20 times.



  • Stand with your back to the wall. Feet at shoulder width.
  • Lean your back against the wall and perform a squat, bend your knees to an angle of 90 degrees. Extend your arms along the body or place your palms on your knees.
  • Keep your back against the wall, head looking straight ahead, chin up.

Hold the position for 15-40 seconds.

Reverse push-ups


  • Stand with your back against a bed, chair or sofa. Rest your palms on the support, they are exactly under your shoulders. Bend your legs at the knees.
  • Bend your arms at the elbows, lowering the body down. The torso is lowered as low as possible, but does not touch the floor.
  • The farther away from the support your legs are, the more difficult it is to perform.

Perform 10-15 times.



  • Stand up straight, put your feet together.
  • Perform 15 jumps on two legs, do them actively.
  • Then do 15 more jumps on each leg.

Breathing exercise


  • Stand up straight, legs wide apart.
  • Take a deep breath, parallel raising your arms up through the sides, stretch upwards.
  • Slowly exhale, bringing your arms down also through the sides.

Do this exercise until your breathing recovers from jumping.

The workout is over. For detailed exercises, see the video.

Such a workout will provide you with a good and energetic day. Do not forget that morning exercise should be followed by a proper, balanced breakfast.

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