5 ways to start a fire without matches. There are some unexpected options

Knowing how to collect water, knotting nautical knots, orienteering and first aid and knowing how to make a fire using improvised means are very useful skills. Today we will focus on the last one. We decided to tell you about simple and unusual ways to make fire without matches. We bet that on your next trip, no matter where, you will leave matches at home. The main thing – rehearse in advance.

Method one: fire plow

This is one of the simplest and most common ways. For him almost nothing is needed: a bundle of truta (dried mushroom trutovik), something like a board of soft wood and a rod of hard wood. On the board we make a hole, in which we place the rod at one end. And then start rubbing one wood against the other. It is important to do it very quickly. You will realize when it is necessary to put the rod in the hole to ignite the flame.

Method two: spark from a firebrand

People learned to use a cross and a firebrick a long time ago, and since then it is a 100% method. Really, if you learn how to use it. If you are an avid hiker, hunter or fisherman, these things should definitely be with you at all times. The downside of matches is that they can get wet, but a firestarter can’t. Convenience is also in the fact that instead of a crucifix and flame thrower, you can use improvised materials, for example, a stone (quartzite) and a steel knife blade. For kindling you can use cloth, moss or wood chips. The choice is yours.

Getting a spark is simple. Lay the kindling material on the surface. In one hand we take a firebrick and place it in the direction of the ignition, and in the other hand we take a cresalow and lean it against the firebrick at an angle. The next thing you need to do is scrape off the spark. Voila!

Method three: a can of soda and chocolate

This is an unusual method. If you do everything correctly, the can will bring a holiday and in your life. All you need is a soda can (or other drink), a chocolate bar and a sunny day. The technique is as simple as driving an electric scooter – just rub the chocolate on the bottom of the can, wait for a mirror-like surface, and then try to reflect a ray of sunshine on what we will ignite.

After polishing with chocolate, we will essentially have a parabolic mirror. The sunlight will reflect off of it and focus on one particular spot. Place the pipe or sawdust about 2-3 cm away from the focus of the beam and wait. After a while, a flame should appear.

Method four: condom with water

Be warned at once, this method may look absurd, but this does not prevent it from having the right to life. Actually, we take a transparent condom, fill it with water and thus get a “lens”. Then it remains to focus the solar beam on something easily flammable and wait.

Method five: rolling absorbent cotton

Need ordinary absorbent cotton, but not medical, a board and a flat hard surface – ideally wooden. From the absorbent cotton should be rolled “tube”. Then with the help of the board the tube should be quickly rolled on a hard surface, and after a while the absorbent cotton will begin to smolder.

Try one of these methods and tell us in the comments what you got and whether it worked. But if you go to the forest or go camping, still take matches or a lighter with you, just in case.

Find yourself alone, for example, in the forest and without the ability to get a fire – the situation is not very pleasant, you agree. Although there may be others. We have collected 10 myths about survival so that you know exactly how not to act in extreme situations. Read about it here.
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: ...ledsen: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idé: :flin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :pil: :???: :?: :!:
