An ancient drink with healing properties: what are the benefits of carcade tea and why is it loved?

It is known to many as hibiscus. It is made from the dried flowers of the Sudanese rose. In Jamaica, carcade is called “rosalia”, and in Mexico it is known as “Jamaican flower”. Over the centuries, tea has been called many different names – “drink of the pharaohs”, “royal drink”, “red tea” and “Sudan rose”.

The birthplace of this plant is considered to be India, although the first references archeologists found in the times of ancient Egypt. The flowers were kept in tombs along with other incense. Among the Egyptians, they were valued for their quick energy recovery and instant thirst quenching. There are over 150 species known in nature, which can grow as both a tree and a shrub. The most common are the rosella or sabdariffa. Today they are grown in Mexico, China, India, Thailand, Sri Lanka and the Pacific Islands.

What is the usefulness of carcade?

Galina Khusainova

Provisor, health coach, biohacking coach

“I would like to note that all tea drinks, without exception, have health-promoting properties. Carcade, or hibiscus flower, is no exception.”

Most importantly, it contains antioxidants. These substances help the body to cope with high stress and maintain immunity. They bind free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which leads to rejuvenation.

Consumption of this tea reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases, regulates blood pressure, normalizes the endocrine system. It is also good for the skin. Why? Hibiscus has protein and amino acid components, and this is the building material for our cells.

It is good for reducing fever. If you do not have cranberries or cranberries at home, it is recommended to brew it as an antipyretic and cold remedy.

It is also rich in useful substances and minerals.

  • Vitamin A in the composition has a disinfectant protective effect for mucous membranes, is involved in ensuring fertility function.
  • Vitamin C supports the immune system, fights infections, produces natural collagen fibers.
  • B vitamins improve the metabolism, immune and nervous systems.
  • Phosphorus is essential for muscle and nervous system functions, useful for bone growth. Plays an important role in maintaining acid-base balance.
  • Potassium is important for nervous system function, muscle contraction, maintaining the body’s water balance and blood sugar levels. It helps normalize blood pressure.
  • Sodium maintains water-salt balance in cells, participates in kidney function, normalizes neuromuscular activity. Contributes to the preservation of minerals in the blood.
  • Magnesium acts as a regulator of cell growth, helps relax the muscles of blood vessels and internal organs.
  • Copper is involved in the metabolism of iron, the formation of connective tissue and energy production. It helps the nervous system to function.
  • Zinc maintains sugar levels, takes part in the secretion of insulin. Recommended for people suffering from dermatosis and acne. Stimulates collagen production, improves skin elasticity and fights wrinkles.


With regular use, several points should be taken into account. There are estrogens in the composition. This means that pregnant women need to take it with caution.

Due to increased acidity, it is not suitable for those who suffer from gastritis or peptic ulcer disease in acute form.

It has a choleretic and diuretic effect, so it should not be used by those who have kidney disease in the acute stage.

Red drink is capable of staining weak tooth enamel. Can cause allergies or individual intolerance. Affects blood pressure, so it is better to refuse it to hypertensive people.

How to properly brew carcade?

To prepare a tea drink, not the flower itself is used, but its perianths. Properly brewed carcade will have a noble dark maroon color, moderately sour, slightly sweet taste with a bright pomegranate tinge.

Unfortunately, few people in Russia know how to prepare this drink. It is often simply poured with boiling water together with black or green tea. Except for the coloring pigment and released vitamin C, hibiscus in such a brewing will not give anything.

The main rule of preparing a useful drink – boil it as a compote of dried fruits, not brew it as a tea.


1. In a pot of water, add the flowers and cook over low heat for five minutes.

2. Then, while it cools, you should add a small amount of honey or stevia.

3. Allow to infuse until it cools down completely.

4. The next step is to strain the drink.

5. Tea is ready for consumption. If desired, it is additionally heated before serving. But it is better to serve chilled in a glass.

Brewed according to this recipe, hibiscus will bring maximum benefit.

How to choose and store?

From the processing and storage will depend on the quality of the product. Therefore, when buying, it is necessary to carefully examine the product. Pay attention to the color. It should be saturated red or maroon. This will indicate proper drying.

If the shade is dull or dark, it means that in front of you is a low-quality product. It is worth noting that the size of the petals is important: ground flowers are less useful than whole ones. It is better to give preference to the latter.

Carkade is stored for no more than a year in ceramic dishes with a lid at room temperature. The mixture itself does not spoil during long storage, but loses most of its useful properties. Do not keep in a cellophane or paper bag.

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