An effective cardio workout that can be done at home. Jumping and running are not recommended

When you want to work out, but you can’t go to the gym, the only alternative is to work out at home. But what to do if you have a child sleeping in the next room and elderly people living below you, who will definitely not like it if you start jumping and making noise.

Ekaterina Kononova

fitness trainer, master of sports in fitness and bodybuilding

Today is cardio without jumping and running. A workout for those who don’t want to disturb anyone while exercising.

Squats with lifting arms with dumbbells


  • Legs slightly wider than the shoulders, arms along the torso and turned palms outward.
  • Perform a squat, at the same time raise your arms through the sides upwards.
  • At the bottom of the squat, the arms should be above the head.
  • Stand up and return to the starting position.

Do two approaches for 45 seconds. Rest between approaches – 15 seconds.

Leg extension and flexion


  • Starting position is the downward facing dog pose. Palms and feet are on the floor, legs bent at the knees.
  • As you exhale, bend your legs so that your feet are fully on the floor.
  • Bend the legs and return to the starting position.

Do two approaches for 45 seconds each. Rest between approaches – 15 seconds.

Bending and extending arms with dumbbells


  • Feet on the width of the pelvis, dumbbells in the hands, arms to the sides, palms facing up.
  • Bend the arms at the elbows, bend and bring the straight arms together in front of the chest.
  • Keep your breathing even throughout the exercise.

Do two approaches of 45 seconds each. Rest between approaches – 15 seconds.

Lunges from the knees


  • Sit on your knees, put your buttocks on your heels. Dumbbells in hands, arms bent at the elbows.
  • Push the pelvis forward, lift the buttocks and reach up with the hands. Get up from the right leg.
  • Sit on the knees with the right leg, hands looking up. Returning to the starting position, bend the arms at the elbows again.
  • Do the exercise dynamically.

Perform the exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 seconds and do the second approach on the left leg.

Swings and leg lifts from the reverse plank


  • Starting position is a reverse plank. Legs and body form a straight line.
  • Do a swing with the right leg, then pull the knee of this leg to the chest and come to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same with the other leg.

Do two approaches of 45 seconds each. Rest between approaches – 15 seconds.

Push-ups with dumbbells with arm raises


  • Take dumbbells in the hands, stand at a lying down position.
  • Perform a push-up, then raise one of the arms to a level just above the head.
  • Come to the starting position and continue to do the same, alternating hands.

Do two approaches of 45 seconds. Rest between approaches – 15 seconds.

Twists with lowering straight leg and straight arm


  • Take dumbbells in your hands, lie on your back. Arms perpendicular to the floor, legs raised and bent at the knees.
  • Flex the left leg and at the same time lower back the right arm.
  • On exhalation come to the starting position and repeat the same with a change of leg and arm.
  • Continue the exercise, alternating legs and arms.

Do two approaches for 45 seconds each. Rest between approaches – 15 seconds.

Steps on all fours


  • Get on all fours. Knees off the floor, hold only on your toes.
  • Take a step forward with the right hand and left leg at the same time.
  • Come to the starting position and, changing the leg and arm, perform the same element.
  • Perform the exercise without pauses, change hands and feet quickly.

Do two approaches of 45 seconds each. Rest between approaches – 15 seconds.

Twists + bicycle


  • Lie on your back, knees raised and bent to an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Put your hands in a lock behind your head.
  • Perform twisting, with elbows touching knees.
  • Perform a bicycle element: left elbow touches the right knee, then the right elbow touches the left knee.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat all over again.
  • Breathe evenly, perform the exercise at a fast pace.

Do two approaches of 45 seconds each. Rest between approaches – 15 seconds.

Training is over. For detailed performance of the exercises, see the video on the “Championship”.

After the workout you can do a little stretching and restore your breathing.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: ...ledsen: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idé: :flin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :pil: :???: :?: :!:
