Back and biceps training. Training for those who are taking their first steps in fitness

Back and biceps training. Workout for those who take their first steps in fitness

Back workout

We found out which exercises should be included in the program, and which ones beginners should forget about.

Often beginners forget to train the back, as it is not visible in the mirror and it is impossible to monitor progress. However, in no case should you forget about this muscle group, because it is the second largest in the human body. To pump your back well, try our workout for beginners. And a couple of biceps exercises will be a bonus to your workout plan.

Sergey Yugai

fitness expert

If you want to increase mass, you need to do it at the expense of the big muscle groups: legs and back. If you don’t pay proper attention to them, your other muscles will develop much slower.

What you need to know: forget about the deadlift in the first six months of training, otherwise the risk of injury is very high.

For each exercise we will do one warm-up set and 2-3 working sets. A working set includes 10 to 12 repetitions.

Horizontal block pull with narrow grip


  • Sit on the bench of the exercise machine. Legs slightly bent at the knees, back straight.
  • Pull the handle of the simulator towards yourself. Arms and torso move backwards and forwards simultaneously, biceps relaxed.
  • The backward movement is slightly faster. At the end point, bring the shoulder blades together.

Dumbbell pull in an incline


  • Rest your knee and arm on the bench, head is static.
  • Lower the dumbbell to the floor, stretching the muscle. From the bottom point pull the elbow up and bring the dumbbell to the waist, making a small axial turn of the body.
  • At the top point, turn the elbow back slightly.


Do two approaches from 15 to 20 repetitions without any weight.


  • We rest our hips on the trainer, cross our arms on the chest, head slightly raised.
  • Do not slouch, descend slowly and as low as possible.
  • Then rise to the starting position.

Standing arm bend with barbell


  • Take a barbell.
  • Bend the arms at the elbow, at the top point tense the biceps. Shoulders tightly pressed against the body.
  • The torso and legs are immobile, only the arms are working.

Common mistakes: swinging the body and elbows, wrist twist.

Alternating arm bends with dumbbells

This exercise can be done standing or sitting.

Execution technique:

  • Feet at shoulder width or slightly narrower, elbows pressed against the torso.
  • Throughout the movement the wrist is turned to the chest and back.
  • Legs are immobile, try not to take the elbow away from the body when lifting.

Training is over.

For detailed exercises and Sergey’s comments, see the video on “Championship”.


You should not strive to set records already at the first training sessions. Beginners always want to take a little more weight, because they see how other people work with more weight. But it is because of the increase in weight that the technique suffers. Doing exercises incorrectly will only hurt you, slowing your progress and increasing the likelihood of injury.

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