Being like Hailey Bieber: top secrets of the model’s perfect shape

To be like Hailey Bieber: the main secrets of the model’s perfect shape

Haley Bieber's slimming secrets


You can even have fries and pancakes for breakfast.

Hailey Bieber is a supermodel, Influencer, YouTuber and wife of Justin Bieber, the perfect man for many girls of our generation. She has a slim and trim body, while not denying herself the pleasure of eating a pizza, burger or other food. If the routine in the gym does not suit you, perhaps the example of Hailey Bieber will inspire you to try something new.

The secret to perfect shape

Recently on one of the podcasts, the 24-year-old model said that Pilates helps her stay in shape. Hailey does not exhaust herself with heavy workouts, but regularly goes to the gym. Pilates is an activity for her, and it helps her not to skip workouts.

“I was a ballerina, so I find Pilates gets my body in better shape because it’s very stretchy. A lot of the movements in Pilates are very similar to dancing.”

The exercises also help combat stress and protect mental health, which suffers from the scrutiny of the press and social media.

Periodically, Hailey Bieber chooses to workout under high heat. The model told Vogue Australia that she’s been doing hot Pilates for a few years now and sees a lot of perks to it. She likes that under temperatures of up to 40 degrees, her muscles are more flexible and stretch more easily, and her face gets sweaty and red, which is good for her skin.


In addition to Pilates, Hayley prefers to alternate between different exercises in the gym: strength, cardio, and boxing. The latter is her favorite, and she boxes several times a week.

Exercise is another way to keep your brain and body really healthy. I like Pilates and extra cardio exercise. I go to Thai boxing a couple times a week. But when traveling, I can’t bring myself to work out – it’s the last thing I want to do on vacation. Instead of the gym, I go to a club to dance with my girlfriends – it’s my way of keeping fit.

Detoxes and cheatmills

Hailey follows a balanced diet, the basis of which are proteins and vegetables. For breakfast, the model usually eats eggs, oatmeal or a smoothie. Lunch usually contains vegetables and fish. Sometimes it may be a sandwich. For dinner, Haley eats the same, sometimes allowing herself gluten-free pasta or chicken. She also doesn’t eat dairy products or red meat. Haley considers water with lemon and ginger tea as great digestive aids.

Bieber never hides the secrets of his form from fans, so he boldly talks about both the restrictions and the fact that he allows himself to relax. Periodically, Hailey arranges detoxes before important events, for example, before a wedding or an important show. Usually at this time she replaces meals with protein shakes and sits on a strict diet.

However, it’s no secret that Hayley’s favorite treat is a cheeseburger and fries.

I look forward to cheatmeal. That’s the day I eat whatever I want! If I wake up in the morning wanting pancakes and a burger for lunch, I’ll do it.

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