How do you determine your ideal serving size?

Many people can’t objectively determine their portion size, and because of this, they often overeat. If you know how to do this, you are a rare exception. And for those who cannot easily determine their norm, Tatiana Gorlanova, nutritionist, weight correction specialist, nutrition coach, member of the Association of Nutritionists and Health Coaches, expert of the International Festival of Health and Sports SN PRO EXPO FORUM will tell you how to learn how to do it and what method will suit you.

How can you determine the portion size?

First, let’s understand what methods experts use to work with people.

Viktigt! Most people are concerned about being overweight and misjudge the portion size they eat.

To begin with, every meal should be packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Believe me, if you binge on cakes every day, your nutrition will be limited in the intake of these substances. By getting “bad” fats and carbohydrates without fiber, the body is usually not satiated and uses its internal resources to get the bad stuff out of the body. It takes resources from the things it least needs (in terms of functioning): hair, nails, skin. So if you’re having these problems, it means you’re not getting enough nutrients.

The “plate” principle

This method is based on a certain amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber on your plate in a certain proportion.

Plus: all kinds of nutrients are present on the plate, you don’t have to count calories.
Minus: absolutely not individual, that is, the same plate is offered to a girl weighing 50 kg and a sporty man weighing 100 kg.

Calorie counting

This method is quite accurate, you can make calculations for certain purposes.

Plus: absolutely individual approach.
Minus: people with eating disorders are difficult to comply with this mode, as calculations, overeating, malnutrition, lack of brain-body connection lead to even greater deterioration of this condition.

Specific gram portion size

There is a methodology that suggests that a person needs to eat a certain amount of food in one meal. Usually, the weight of the portion is 300-350 grams. It is important not to exceed this dosage.

Plus: people come to a specific regimen, because you usually need to eat at a certain time.
Minus: individual characteristics of a person are not taken into account.

Eating on hunger and without restrictions

This is probably the most universal way of eating.

Plus: physiological and natural for a person, you can not count calories.
Minus: people who have a broken brain-body connection will not be suitable, because they do not feel physiological hunger.

Palm method

Somewhat resembles the “plate” method, but in this case measurements are made with the palm of a person’s hand. Adherents of this method believe that everyone has a unique hand size, so the portion will be suitable for a particular person.

Plus: you can measure the portion anywhere, all nutrients are taken into account, you don’t have to count calories.
Minus: there is no individualization for the person.

But it is worth remembering that a large portion of the right foods will always be less caloric than a small portion of sweets, baked goods or fast food.

Who and which method is suitable for whom?

It is worth separating people with eating behavior problems, with chronic diseases, athletes and conditionally healthy people. Each of these categories will have its own approach and methodology.

People with an eating disorder

They will be best suited to the method of eating on hunger and without restriction. Their problems have a psychological basis, a restrictive type of eating. Therefore, the idea that they can have everything, only at first may lead to overeating. Then the normal feeling of hunger returns. But at the same time, because of psychological problems, it is difficult for such people to use this method.

Other methods will not be suitable because of the constant monitoring. Calorie counting is especially not recommended. At first it seems to such people that they do everything well, but in the future it almost always leads to breakdowns and snacking.

People with chronic diseases

It is important to follow the rules of the diet recommended to them by the specialist. This is usually a therapeutic menu and the exclusion of certain foods. At the end of treatment, it is important to return to a full diet with a more individualized approach.

Then it is possible to go either to the “plate” method, or to calculate PBJU. Here it is important that the doctor together with the person to select the necessary proportions suitable for the psychological and physiological state of the patient.


This category of people is suitable only for accurate calculation, because they need to show certain results. Therefore, the method of counting PBJU is an excellent choice.

Conditionally healthy

For such people I recommend to eat according to hunger and to be guided by feelings: what food you want to eat at the moment. A healthy body usually sends signals to determine the necessary product. But now stereotypes about nutrition are so widespread that most people simply do not pay attention to their individual needs.

Often one person may have a combination of several problems. For example, he is an athlete but has an eating disorder and occasionally overeats. In any case, if you are comfortable with the type of diet you are following, I don’t see the point in changing it unless there is a real need to do so.

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