How does bodybuilding affect life expectancy? Answers from a doctor and a trainer

Viktor Kolesnikov

trainer, author of the Bodybuilding and Fitness portal

Bodybuilding captures the hearts of young men since childhood. We admire hypertrophied idols from Hollywood movies, see superheroes with huge muscles in comic books. We too want to be bigger and stronger. After all, then at school or on the street no one will dare to offend. “The mass decides” – so it is believed. What pitfalls await on this path and why many stumble over them?

Personal ambition is to blame

Not all athletes know about the dangers that entail bodybuilding. This applies to beginners. First, they need to hit some bumps. It is important to realize that bodybuilding is harmful when it becomes the meaning of life, goes to the level of “all or nothing”, turns into a pursuit of leadership. We are talking about competitions where there is no room for pity for your body and health. When personal ambitions come first.

Amateur bodybuilders get used to a sporting lifestyle. They enjoy the process. Demonstration of their body in front of a crowd of “ordinary people” – a short but sweet moment of glory.

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Top-level athletes train to achieve results in sport, but health is also important to them. Why? Keeping your body healthy is key to continued success. Bodybuilding is a risky activity. Preparation for competitions can lead to the most terrible consequences. Unfortunately, there are many such examples.

Mark Ozolyn

doctor of sports medicine, rehabilitation specialist, educational director of the MOVacademy center.

Bodybuilding has many advantages. The first is that it is an accessible form of physical activity that allows you to strengthen your muscles. The second is that regular strength training has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal apparatus and cardiovascular system. But sport is a big “gray area” of doping use. This is exactly what is life-threatening.

Bodybuilding and life expectancy

Physician’s Opinion

Mark Ozolin: Some athletes want to achieve impressive results in a short time. For the sake of this, they resort to prohibited anabolic substances. This is how bodybuilders become addicted. They need high dosages in order to increase their performance and not to fall back to “factory” settings.

There are no safe dosages for anabolic substances. These drugs are prescribed exclusively by a doctor and have a very narrow range of indications. Their use leads not only to hormonal problems. Substances irreversibly affect the liver, increase the risk of thrombosis, and therefore, and heart attacks and strokes. The risk of premature death increases.

Why is it important for your health to release emotions and what technique will help you do it without going to a psychologist? Look for instructions HERE. But be careful. It has contraindications, too.

Coach’s opinion

Viktor Kolesnikov: An experienced athlete knows that there is a risk of injury or destruction of the body. He realizes that steroids can lead to infertility and even death. And there will also be an increased chance of developing aneurysms or tumors.

It is wrong to assume that the situation is under control: “I’m monitoring hematocrit” or “here is the steroid course will end, and I will put hCG at 1500 units per week”. From year to year, a bodybuilder goes from a course of anabolic steroids on a maintenance dosage of hormones to the next course.

Why does this happen? It’s all about strong psycho-emotional dependence. The bodybuilder goes back to training on AC. Even if you completely stop using pharmacology, you will not be able to get away from training on steroids. Why not? Because of the development of pathology. Athletes take them while they’re competing. When they finish their sports career, they “sit” on hormone replacement therapy.

Remember – the use of drugs and the pursuit of quick results often do not allow you to live to the age of 50. Treat your health with care.

If for now you risk only that soon you will not fit into your favorite jeans (and they are already a size larger than your ideas about the ideal), catch the advice of a neuropsychologist, which will help to make sports a part of life.
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