How long can you live with a blood clot? Answered by a doctor
We tell you in which cases a blood clot is dangerous.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of integrative, preventive and conventional medicine, nutriciologist
A blood clot is a blood clot attached to the wall of blood vessels. Platelets stick together, form clumps and interfere with the normal flow of blood. Contributes to this process is a violation in the process of hematopoiesis, caused by a sedentary lifestyle, excessive strain on the limbs, improper fluid intake, use of certain groups of drugs, metabolic disorders.
Thrombi are formed in the body constantly to “patch” damaged vessels and capillaries. This is the absolute norm until they become too many. They should not interfere with normal blood flow. But can it be life-threatening?
How blood clots form
Blood clots can form in veins and arteries (venous and arterial thrombosis).
Superficial vein thrombosis is characterized by the following symptoms:
- varicose veins, thickening;
- pain and heaviness in the legs, swelling;
- reddening of the skin in the area of the vein;
- general weakness, malaise.
Deep vein thrombosis can be asymptomatic and cause severe swelling of the limb (in this case, the skin area or the whole limb turns white or even blue). Because of this, lameness is manifested.
Arterial thrombosis is characterized by a wider range of symptoms:
- Asymmetry of blood pressure when measured on the arms;
- pallor and lividity of the skin;
- pain at rest (and at night);
- pain on movement;
- absence of peripheral pulsation;
- tissue necrosis;
- trophic ulcers.
To be 100% sure of the health or unhealthiness of the veins and vessels, an ultrasound should be done. The doctor may also prescribe a CT (computed tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan.
How long you can live with a blood clot
It is possible to live with it all your life and not notice it at all. As we have already said, the formation of blood clots is the norm.
There are diseases associated with blockage of the veins of the limbs – thrombosis, thrombophlebitis. Depending on each individual case, pathology can be more or less dangerous. Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins is less dangerous than deep veins, for example.
In general, these diseases are dangerous not only from the point of view of the probability of detachment of the thrombus, but because of the risk of necrosis (damage) of tissues due to insufficient blood supply.
In this case, thrombolysis – dissolving the thrombus – is prescribed. Therapy is usually carried out when the appearance of blood clots is life-threatening, for example, in myocardial infarction or stroke – that is, when the blood clot has already broken off and “went for a walk”.
It can be difficult to notice the pre-infarction and pre-stroke state, but if loved ones are able to distinguish the symptoms, the person is more likely to be saved.