How to prepare the body for summer: instructions from Liaisan Utyasheva

Liaisan Utyasheva not for the first time pleases her subscribers with useful video tips. It is no secret that the gymnast has an excellent figure. So how does she manage to constantly keep herself in shape? Let’s watch and repeat.


According to the main rule of Liaisan, before starting exercises, you need to cheer up, that is, do a warm-up. So what is the secret, you ask. Everyone knows it. The most interesting lies in the gymnast’s favorite exercise for warming up the pelvis.

Execution: do the usual pelvic rotations, but pay attention to two important aspects – the abdomen and buttocks should be tense. It is also important not to hurry and perform the exercise smoothly, without jerks.

Identify problems

Another important stage is to identify weak areas. To do this, Liaisan recommends doing smooth squats with an emphasis on the tailbone.

Execution: do a slow squat, twisting the tailbone (slightly slouching the lumbar), chin pressed to the chest. The tailbone at this point should be directed strictly downward. Squat as deeply as possible, stretching the spine. Pressure on the heels. At this point you should feel how your lumbar zone is unloaded. Repeat 5 times.

Complex of exercises for all muscle groups

Execution: it is important to observe the “square”, ie, a right angle in the knee. Shoulders should not twitch, and buttocks “glued” to the surface. At this point, only the legs are working, so you will engage all the internal muscles.

It has long been a popular exercise, which is not neglected and gymnast.

Execution: in a crouch put your hands on the floor, alternately put your legs back to the push-up position. Put your feet back to your palms and jump out, straightening your legs and making a clap with your palms above your head. Try to do as many reps as possible and perform the exercise cleanly, observing the phases. Make sure you keep a clear focus on your hands.

This is something new. It’s an exercise of precision and intricate coordination. It will keep your muscles toned due to the complication of balance.

Execution: lower the opposite hand to the opposite foot. Put the other foot back. Imagine that at the foot is a ball. And you put it on the floor. Then press your knee to your chest.

Note from Liaisan: “Exercises, at first glance, seem very simple, but when you repeat 20 times at a good pace in the morning you will feel the “awakened muscles” that have been sleeping for a long time.

This exercise is one of the top 3 exercises to prepare for the summer. From the outside it looks simple, but in fact the muscles burn after a few repetitions.

Execution: standing on all fours, take the straight leg back. Extend and lift as high as possible. Then pull the knee to the forehead. It is important to maintain a straight angle and do not withdraw the pelvis. Alternate on each leg.

  • Knee raises

Another seemingly simple exercise.

Execution: standing straight, stretch the spine, the top of the head looks exactly up. Alternately raise and lower your knees (to the maximum). Again, remember to keep your shoulders and pelvis level.

  • Body Lift

Execution: lying on your back and bending your legs, slowly raise your body to your knees. Help yourself with straight arms. Here it is important to pay attention to the fact that lifting should be slow, without jerks. It is hard, but it is effective in this way – slowly and carefully, pulling off vertebra after vertebra. And the main thing is not to hunch over and not to strain the neck.

Comment from Liaisan: “Will you say that it is very easy? Don’t hurry, try it first. Do each exercise 50 times.”


As a true gymnast, of course, Liaisan Utyasheva could not do without stretching. This is the recommended way to end all workouts.

  • Stretching with straight legs

After the tension, the muscles need to stretch.

Execution: sit down with straight legs, pressing the buttocks to the floor, without twisting. Pull the toes toward themselves. Knees should be pressed to the floor, and the lower back is slightly slouched. Tense the abs, pull in the abdomen. Hands retract behind the head, chin pressed into the chest. The moment of resistance is important: the hands press on the back of the head, and the head rises in the opposite direction. In this position, bend with a straight back, taking the load off the neck. Shoulders are not scuffed. Bend – on a deep breath.

  • Stretching with a bent knee

Execution: stand on one knee, put the other foot on the whole foot in front and slightly at an angle. Coccyx pointing downwards. Slowly sit on the back heel. Stand up by pressing the heel of the front foot with the thigh muscles.

Stretching is done for 5 rounds at a time.

Lifehack Liaisan: “All exercises should be performed concentrated, with closed eyes and preferably in silence”.

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