Instructions for an easy and relaxing workout. 5 exercises for body recovery

Irina Yatsenko

Personal trainer, universal instructor of group programs

How to relieve muscle tension with exercises? What exercises to do to relax?

Stretching, Pilates, joint exercises and myofascial release. Each of these areas helps you recover from vigorous exercise, improves flexibility, spinal mobility, posture, strengthens back muscles and deep muscles in general, improves joint mobility, promotes muscle balance alignment and eliminates muscle soreness caused by muscle strain. These practices are suitable for a full workout or as a recovery after an active day.

5 exercises to relax the body

Comfortable pose

What it does: stretches the hips, strengthens the spine, relieves stress.


  • sit on the floor, bend your legs at the knees so that the left foot is under the right knee and the right foot is under the left knee;
  • relax your knees and shoulders, straighten your back. Put your hands with palms up on your knees and with the help of your thumb and index finger make the letter “O”;
  • breathe slowly and deeply. Keep the pose for several breathing cycles. Be sure to change legs in places.

Contraindications: knee injuries, injury tothe hips.

Downward facing dog

What is useful: stretches the shoulder girdle, ligaments, calves, strengthens arms and legs, eliminates headaches, relieves stress.


  • kneeling, palms on the floor about shoulder width parallel to each other;
  • palms make a step forward and with an exhalation straighten elbows, lift the pelvis up, straighten the back and legs. Put your heels on the floor. We try to push ourselves upward with the palms of our hands and feet;
  • Prioritize stretching the spine and opening the thoracic region. The head should be between the hands. The gaze is pointed down at the big toes;
  • if your muscles and shoulders are not flexible enough, you can do the exercise with your knees slightly bent, taking your heels slightly off the floor;
  • perform several breathing cycles in this position. Duration of holding the pose: from 30 seconds to two minutes.

Contraindications: painful sensations in the wrists.

Cat pose + cow pose

How useful: stretches the upper shoulder girdle, abs, neck and spine, opens the thoracic region, relieves stress.

Execution technique:

  • Kneel down and place the palms of your hands under the shoulder joints. The back is straight, the gaze is directed downward;
  • on exhalation round the back, lowering the head down, pull in the abdomen, on inhalation straighten the back, open the thoracic region and move the gaze forward;
  • perform the exercise from 10 to 20 times.

Contraindications: injuries tothe knees.

Child’s pose

What is useful: stretches the spine, hips, ankles, relieves stress.


  • kneel on the knees so that they are under the hip joints;
  • put the feet so that the big toes touch each other, sit on the heels, spread the knees to shoulder width;
  • inhale and exhale and lower your chest to your thighs. The gaze is directed downward;
  • place your hands on the floor with palms up next to your feet. Relax the shoulders and lower the forehead to the floor. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to three minutes.

Contraindications: knee injury, pregnancy.

Corpse pose

What is useful: calms the brain, relieves stress, relaxes the body.


  • Lie down on the floor. Legs straightened. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width, toes slightly open outward. Arms are placed along the body, palms open upwards. Leave a small distance between the torso and the arms;
  • stretch the neck, relax the arms. Close eyes and concentrate on the sensations in the body and on breathing;
  • hold the position for five to 10 minutes;
  • then slowly stand up, rolling to the side and then pushing off the floor with the palms of your hands. Raise the head last.

Contraindications: back injuries.

Never forget about body recovery. The quality of your training will depend on it.

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