Just 2 exercises will make your waist thinner by a few centimeters
A slim silhouette depends on just one muscle.
How to make the waist thinner by a few centimeters? What exercises to do?
We have repeatedly said that the size and shape of the waist depends on genetics. But, even if you think that it is you who has “the worst heredity”, I say with 100% confidence that your figure can be made beautiful.
The main reasons for lack of waistline are overeating and sedentary lifestyle. We eat a lot of high-calorie food, but we forget to exercise or even just get up from the couch. Excess calories accumulate in the form of subcutaneous and visceral fat. In a large volume, it negatively affects health, violates internal metabolism and hormone levels. And this, in turn, has a bad effect on the waistline.
Viktigt! If you want a wasp waist, do not pump your abs, performing a huge number of repetitions and approaches. This is the most ineffective way.
How to reduce your waist quickly
Waist size is directly affected by the transverse abs – the stronger it is, the thinner the silhouette. Because of our inactive lifestyles, most of us have weakened this muscle, so our main task is to strengthen it. The first thing to do is to stretch the iliopsoas muscle, which is responsible for the tilt of the pelvis. The pelvis changes angle, affecting the tone of the transverse muscle. The second is to engage abdominal breathing and tuck the pelvis.
Stretching the iliopsoas muscle.
Pre-warm up the lower part of the body with a light five-minute warm-up.
- Lunge forward with one leg and place the other on your knee.
- As you exhale, smoothly transfer weight to the front leg so that the angle in the groin area increases. Keep your back straight.
- Fix at the bottom point, stand in this position.
Perform three approaches for 30 seconds each. Rest between approaches – two minutes.
Twists with a pelvic tuck
- Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees, pressing the heels to the buttocks. There should be no bend in the lower back. It is in contact with the floor.
- As you exhale, simultaneously twist your pelvis and lift your upper body, staying in the upper position for one second.
- As you exhale, try to pull your abdomen toward your ribs. Hold for 2-4 seconds in this position.
- As you inhale, gently lower yourself down.
Perform three approaches for 30-45 seconds. Rest between approaches – two minutes.
These exercises are some of the most effective for reducing the waist in size. Do them regularly for a month, you will be very surprised by the results. Don’t forget to restructure your diet: try to eat at the same time two or three times a day, reducing your calorie intake. If you want to know more about why classic abs exercises don’t work for your waistline, read this article.