No alcohol and juices: what foods should be avoided during dieting

Today there are many different diets. Some of them assume strict restrictions and a rather meager diet, others, on the contrary, provide a large selection of products. It really is quite large, that’s the difficulty. After all, it is not so easy to find a meal plan that suits you.

However, some foods should be avoided in any case, if you want to lose weight. What exactly should be avoided to get rid of extra pounds, tells nutritionist Andrei Semeshov.

What to pay attention to when choosing products?

The first thing to pay attention to when you form a diet during the diet is the energy capacity of products. So, one kilogram of cucumbers will have dozens of times fewer calories than the same amount of fatty meat.

Any diet is malnutrition, because it is necessary to eat at least a little less calories than we spend, says the expert. At the same time, the body will signal that it is hungry, and persistently enough to send signals. We need to learn to counteract them and look for deceptive ways. One of the options to fight hunger is to satiate yourself with voluminous, but low-calorie products. For example, the same cucumbers.

When choosing products for a diet nutritionist recommends avoiding those with more calories. For example, if you want to cook chicken, give preference to breast. Its energy value is about 110 kcal per 100 g, while the energy value of chicken thigh is higher – about 160 kcal per 100 g because of more fat.

Andrei: We choose those foods that have fewer calories, but the portions are the same in volume. Accordingly, the signals to the brain that a noticeable amount of food has entered will pass, and it will be easier for us to cope with the feeling of hunger.

What foods should we limit?

Donuts, cakes and pastries

According to the nutriciologist, you should avoid foods that contain a lot of fat and sugar. Alas, this is almost all the most delicious: pastries, cakes and other sweets. The expert has an ironic opinion on this matter.

Andrei: Such a combination is not found in nature, it was invented by our human genius. There is a version that the key to the door of world obesity was a doughnut, in which cooks managed to cram a lot of fat and a lot of sugar.

The expert notes that at the genetic level, people have no experience of interaction with such products. Therefore, the brain does not have time to recognize that the body received so many calories, fats and sugar at once. It sends satiety signals late, so instead of eating one donut, we eat many more and overeat.

Spicy and salty

The expert advises to analyze your own sensations, find out what products stimulate appetite specifically for you, and try to avoid them. For some people it may be spicy food, others react to salty food.

Fresh juices and smoothies

Some fruits contain a lot of fructose, which is sugar. Therefore, sometimes we try to limit their consumption. However, this is not very necessary, assures the nutritionist. And what you should avoid, if possible, is “liquid” calories – for example, freshly squeezed juices and smoothies. The body digests them quickly enough, and without much energy expenditure on digestion, and the feeling of hunger soon returns.

Andrei: Compare juicing one apple or eating the whole apple? Obviously, in the second case, the feeling of fullness will last longer. And that’s what we need.

Smoked meats, sausages and frankfurters.

Smoked meats and processed meat products are harmful in and of themselves. And for those who follow a diet, they are doubly dangerous.

Andrei: If you look at the composition, there is mostly fat and very little protein. In general, when choosing meat dishes, try to ensure that the amount of protein in 100 g of product was at least twice as much as fat.


Completely abandon alcohol is not necessary, says the expert. However, it is not worth abusing it. Alcoholic beverages themselves, especially strong, are quite caloric, and this must be taken into account. In addition, from the point of view of dietetics, the danger also lies in snacks.

People mostly get fat not from beer, but from beer appetizers.

Still, nutritionist does not advise to completely give up your favorite, although harmful, products. This will provoke additional stress, you will worry, and sooner or later the body will get its way. This will lead to a breakdown.

Andrei: It is important to leave yourself room for maneuver and include delicious foods in your diet, taking into account their caloric content.

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