One hundred garments: what happens if you train in multiple layers of sports uniforms

One hundred garments: what happens if you train in multiple layers of sports uniforms

Alina Torishnaya

Alina Torishnaya

What happens if you exercise in warm clothes

Be careful, you can accidentally damage your health.

Many people believe that working out with increased sweating speeds up the weight loss process. People put on several layers of clothing and in this form do sports. And some claim that the result is noticeable after the first session. In fact, this is nothing more than a misconception.

How does the body work during training?

When a person is engaged in sports, the body produces a huge amount of heat, which raises the body temperature. Skin glands begin to work more actively: sweat is secreted, the evaporation of which leads to a gradual cooling of the body.

After an intense workout, weight does indeed decrease. This happens precisely because of the removal of fluid from the body. That is why trainers advise to carefully monitor the water balance and replenish it in time to prevent dehydration.

What happens if you increase the intensity of sweating with warm clothes?

If you put on several layers of clothes and start exercising, it will indeed provoke more profuse sweating. But the result of such “slimming” will be lost as soon as you replenish the water balance.

Warm clothes do not trigger any special fat burning processes. Most likely, you will be uncomfortable to perform the usual exercises. This means that the effectiveness of training will decrease, and for the desired result you will have to work, on the contrary, much longer.

A dangerous way to lose weight

However, the ineffectiveness of this method of weight loss is not yet the biggest of its problems. Overheating during exercise can be dangerous to your health.

Experts recommend choosing breathable clothing for active exercise. Excessive heat can lead to a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, fainting and exacerbation of existing diseases. And people with heart failure, diabetes and hypertension are at higher risk.

Increased sweating will not help you lose weight faster, but it can lead to health problems. Therefore, you should choose comfortable clothes for training, monitor and replenish water balance in time, and do not let your body overheat.

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