Spirit of adventure: what do you need to know about hitchhiking?

Spirit of adventure: what do you need to know about hitchhiking?

Pavel Sukhorukov

Pavel Sukhorukov

Hitchhiking: pros and cons

If you love adventure, most likely this text will catch you on the road

Hitchhiking is a type of traveling by any hitchhiking vehicle without payment, but with the driver’s permission.

Traveling from point A to point B with a random hitchhiker has been practiced by people since ancient times. With the development of transportation and the emergence of new destinations, this style of travel became more and more relevant and attractive to people.

In the 50s-60s of the twentieth century a big role in the development of culture contributed hippies and beatniks, for them hitchhiking became an opportunity to travel around the planet almost unimpeded. They made new acquaintances and saved their money for other expenses.

In the USSR, hitchhiking was used quite actively, and it was even encouraged by both the Komsomol and the traffic police. In 1960, they even created the Hitchhikers’ Union.

Not for everyone

This kind of travel is not suitable for everyone. True fans of hitchhiking consider it a whole philosophy, a lifestyle or a sport, where success depends on many things: a well-developed skill of communication with strangers, finding a place to vote, the right choice of clothes, knowledge of foreign languages and so on.

In addition, the gender and number of hitchhikers play a significant role: girls usually find it easier to catch “hitchhikers” than guys.

Pros of hitchhiking

  • Traveling attracts young people with a sense of freedom and a spirit of adventure. Even in the morning at the gas station you do not assume where you will end up in the evening. This brings its own spoonful of extreme and the trip becomes unpredictable.
  • You will meet and socialize with new people. There is an unspoken rule: the driver doesn’t charge the hitchhiker any money, but the passenger pays with friendly and interesting conversation. This way you’ll both kill time on the road, learn a lot and make new friends.

Lifehack. In conversations it is better to avoid topics about politics and religion. This way you will avoid unnecessary conflicts and keep a friendly attitude.

  • If you are traveling by hitchhiking, you will have many intermediate stops. You can walk around, visit a museum or take a photo in a beautiful place.
  • Hitchhiking is not completely free. At least you will need to have a snack. Moreover, no one is immune from unforeseen situations: a sudden overnight stay in a hostel or the need to buy a “one way ticket” for the bus. However, these expenses cannot be compared with the cost of a classic trip.
  • You don’t need to book a hotel six months in advance, you don’t need to book a trip or stay awake in front of your computer waiting for tickets with 70% discount to go on sale. Only you decide when, where and with whom to travel.
  • Tour guides and travel agencies take guests to classic and “Instagrammable” tourist spots. You have the opportunity to see the country from the inside: to get to know the locals, to see their everyday life or to stroll through the narrow streets of the cities.
  • Any driver makes his route in such a way as to arrive at the appointed place faster. He does not slow down on purpose and does not drive in circles. On hitchhiking you can overcome many kilometers and quickly get to the desired city.
  • While hitchhiking around the world, you will have a great opportunity to practice foreign languages. You’ll have to negotiate and explain to people where you need to get to, and don’t forget about conversations on the road. If you’re planning on practicing a particular language, you can travel to a country where you’ll be met by native speakers. This way you can combine the pleasant with the useful.
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