“The older the child is, the more he needs.” How much does it cost to take my son to taekwondo?

Almost every child wants to do something. Dancing, painting, music and, of course, sports – the choice is huge. If we focus on the last one, there is also a great variety. But how to choose the right section? The answer is simple: listen to what the kid wants and help him take the first steps in this direction.

We continue our text series on how much children’s sports really cost. Today we’re joined by the mom of a boy who does taekwondo.

Margarita Chapurina

taekwondo boy’s mom

“Motor activity is very important for a child’s development, even more so for boys. My youngest son wanted to do either boxing or some kind of wrestling. Territorially there was only taekwondo section close, I was satisfied with the fact that it was close to home. Trainings are held at the school at a convenient time for me (I could take my child only after work). Also the main thing here is the authority of the coach and respect for him. We have a great mentor. My son has been practicing for the third year and we have never regretted it. The child really likes it, and that’s the most important thing!”

You don’t need anything special at the beginning. The first training sessions can take place in a normal sports uniform. No shoes are needed, as the children practice barefoot. When the skill of the little athlete grows, there are sparring sessions, and with them the need for equipment.


We have ITF TKD equipment for training and sparring. Dobok (kimono) costs from 2.5 to 3.5 thousand rubles. Gloves cost about 2.6 thousand rubles, helmet 3 thousand rubles. If we talk about feet, here the prices are different: it can be 1 thousand rubles, and it can be 2.5 thousand.

You also need protection of the groin area in the form of a shell, it’s about 700 rubles. For girls there is an additional chest protection, it costs about 2 thousand rubles. A mouth guard is also necessary, it cost 350 rubles.

Everything is updated as the child grows, gradually replace the feet, as the leg grows, and so on. We bought the equipment two years ago, so everything is still suitable.


They come in different sizes, from a thousand rubles and up. There are special ones for taekwondo, they cost about 4 thousand rubles. We bought a backpack for a thousand rubles, so far all our equipment fits in it.

Training and competitions

A monthly subscription costs 3.6 thousand rubles, it includes three classes a week for 1.5 hours. For athletic growth, trips to competitions are necessary. While the child is small, trips are not so frequent. The cost of participation depends on the level of tournaments, ranging from 1 to 3 thousand rubles. There is also an annual certification, the cost depends on the color of the belt. My son still has a white belt, so the price is about 2 thousand rubles.

In a normal month for a sports hobby spends 3.6 thousand rubles – only for a season ticket, if you take a month with competitions, about 3 thousand more.

Sports – not only a way to direct the energy of the child somewhere, but also a great place of education, because in training children are instilled with discipline. Keep your kids motivated to play sports and reach the heights!

Earlier we told you about how much it costs to give your son to the hockey section. Read the story of the athlete’s mother at the link.
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