Types of twine: what are they and how do they differ? A guide to a popular exercise

Maria Andrianova

CMC in rhythmic gymnastics, certified personal fitness trainer

“Twine is a physical position of the body in which the legs are on the same line and stretched in opposite directions. Twine is performed in various sports (gymnastics, dance, ballet, martial arts and so on) and is a cherished dream of many girls. There are two main types: transverse and longitudinal”.

The main types of twine

Transverse twine

The transverse twine is the twine that Jean-Claude van Damme performed in the commercial between two trucks. The legs are spread apart, forming a right angle. It is considered one of the most difficult twines, and, alas, not everyone can sit on it. This is due to the anatomical structure of the hip joints (TBS). Here we will stop in detail.

The hip joint is formed by the head of the femur and the acetabulum. The acetabulum, the angle of the femoral neck, and the size of the femoral head affect the mobility and opening of the hip joint. The shape of the acetabulum can vary from person to person and between the right and left hip.

The shape of the femoral neck has different variations:

  • standard (normal) femoral neck forms an angle of 120-135 degrees;
  • an angle of 120 degrees is a varus deformity;
  • an angle greater than 120 degrees is a valgus deformity.

Just in the case of a varus deformity, there will be difficulties with the cross twine. Therefore, if you have a goal to sit all the way down and you feel a bony restriction, you should not force your body, it can lead to injuries.

When preparing for the cross twine, the main focus is on improving the elasticity of the hip adductor muscles, mobilizing the hip joints and improving the strength of the hip extensor muscles.

Important note: many blogs say that twine training is all about stretching muscles and ligaments. However, it is worth remembering that we do not stretch ligaments on purpose, as they have a completely different function and composition from muscle fiber. Ligaments stabilize joints. Therefore, we recommend to be cautious of such advice as “now we will stretch the ligaments under the knees”.

Who practiced rhythmic gymnastics, knows also about such a variation as “frog”. Many people start their way to a full-fledged transverse twine just with it. The principle is the same: legs are spread in different directions, but bent at the knee joints – so the tension in the muscles is minimized.

Longitudinal twine

Longitudinal twine is a type of twine where one leg is pointed forward, the other backward, and the body faces the direction of the front leg. The weight is distributed evenly between the two legs. This type is divided into two types: left and right. It all depends on which leg is in front. This twine is considered one of the most popular and simple.

Here work on the biceps femoris, quadriceps femoris, gluteal muscles, shin muscles, as well as the iliopsoas.

The longitudinal twine also has a lighter variation, the half twine. It is performed in the same way as the longitudinal, only the front leg is bent at the knee joint, and the weight is transferred to the front thigh.

Varieties of twines

We have dismantled the two basic twines, now let’s move on to the variations. There are actually a lot of them, and they depend on the direction you are practicing.

So there are:

  1. Overspin, or minus twine. When the angle between the legs exceeds 180 degrees. It can be both vertical, when a person stands in the support on one leg, and horizontal, when the legs (in particular the feet) are placed on the support (chair/fitness blocks and so on) and the person falls down, towards the floor, under the force of gravity.
  2. Vertical twine. It is performed while standing on one leg.
  3. Jumping twine. Twine that is performed in a jump (there are both transverse and longitudinal).
  4. Twine in martial arts and many others.

Benefits and harm

On the expanse of the Internet a lot is written about the positive effect of twine on women’s health. Namely on the normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, on improving flexibility and muscle strength, strengthening the musculoskeletal system and much more. However, not the twine itself has such an impact, and there are no studies that will confirm this. But the preparation for such an element can have a positive effect.

In general, any physical activity within reason (we do not take into account professional sports) has a favorable effect on the physical and mental health of a person.

As for harm, of course, there are potential risks of various injuries. Improper performance of the twine or the desire to surpass your physical capabilities can lead to sprains, sprains, tears, as well as damage to joints, particularly the hip joints.

Contraindications also include:

  1. Injury and rehabilitation.
  2. Joint problems.
  3. Pregnancy (after consultation with a doctor).
  4. Spinal problems.
  5. High blood pressure.
  6. Acute pain and discomfort.


For everyone who wants to sit on the twine, it is important to remember that each person is different. Accordingly, the terms of achieving the goal will be different for everyone: someone will need three weeks, and someone – two months.

  • Do not rush to complicate the training process, do everything step by step, without overestimating your physical capabilities. Give your body time to adapt.
  • Combine static stretching with dynamic stretching. Pay a little more attention to the second.
  • Do not tolerate pain, any actions should take place in a comfortable and working amplitude without sharp pain sensations.
  • Remember that any careless sharp movement, for which the body is not prepared, can lead to injury, which, in turn, will delay the desired goal.
  • Be sure to listen to your own body and do not ignore any warning signs.
  • Be regular: improving and maintaining flexibility requires consistency – like brushing your teeth.
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